03 November 2014

VCSGGMSRI Srinagar Recruitment 2014 Faculty Posts (33 Vacancies)

Veer Chandra Singh Garhwali Government Institute of Medical Science and Research, Srinagar, DIstt-pauri Garhwal, Uttarakhand-246174 Walk in Interview for the following Faculty Posts in various Disciplines on Contractual Basis initially for 2 Years, which may be further extendable on yearly basis.

Post Name

Total Vacancies

Salary (per month)


07 (Pathology - 01, General Medicine - 01, ENT - 01, Radiology - 01, PMR - 01, TB-Chest - 01, Psychiatry - 01)

Rs.1,25,000/- (Annual Increment @ Rs.6,000/-) Per Month

Associate Professor

09 (Forensic Medicine - 01, General Medicine - 01, General Surgery - 02, Radiology - 01, Radiotherapy - 01, Nephrology - 01, Cardiology - 01, Neurosurgery - 01)

Rs.1,15,000/- (Annual Increment @ Rs.6,000/-) Per Month

Assistant Professor

17 (General Medicine - 04, Paediatrics - 01, General surgery - 04, OBGY - 01, Anaeshtesia - 01, Radiology - 02, TB-Chest - 01, Dermatology - 01, PMR - 01, Nephrology - 01)

Rs.85,000/- (Annual Increment @ Rs.3,600/-) Per Month

Age Limit: As per Medical Council of India (MCI) norms.

Candidates must bring their resume along with photocopies and original MBBS/PG medical degrees, Medical Council Registration Certificate, Teaching experience & under graduate teaching experience certificate during Post Graduate Degree Course from the college authority and a set of photocopies there of Two Passport size colour photographs are also needed at the time of interview.

Walk in interview -> 12/11/2014 at 12:00 PM in the Office of Director Medical Education, Directorate of Medical Education, 107-Chander Nagar, Dehradun.

Detailed Notification >>

by | Last Updated on 2014-11-03T18:05:46Z