28 September 2014

UAS Dharwad Recruitment 2014 Agriculture Graduate Assistants, Technical Supervisor

University of Agricultural Sciences (UAS), Dharwad invites applications from eligible candidates for appointment of Agricultural Graduate Assistant on Temporary Basis under the project "Empowerment of farmers in seed production of new crop varieties". Interview held on 10th October 2014.

Name of Post

No of Post


Agriculture Graduate Assistants


Rs.14000/- Per Month

Educational Qualification: M.Sc. (Agri) in Genetics & Pl.Breeding/ Seed Science & Tech. / Crop Physiology/ Biotechnology (Preference will be given for Seed Science & Tech. and Genetics & PL beeding candidates).

How To Apply: The candidates should appear for interview on 10/10/2014 at 10.30 am in the chambers of the Special Officer (Seeds), Seed Unit, UAS, Dharwad. Candidates should enclose bona fide certificates with two passport size colored photographs (affixed to the applications) duly attested. Candidates should bring with them all the original documents pertaining to their qualifications, date of birth, category, experience and publications, if any and produce them before the interview committee at the time of interview.

Detailed Notification >>

University of Agricultural Sciences (UAS), Dharwad invites applications from the eligible candidates for the appointment of Agril. Graduate Assistants (Temp) in the project entitled "Strategies to curb Suicidal Tendency of Formers in selected districts of Karnataka" (Abstract A/c No. 6101/310), Dept. of Agril. Statistics AC, Dharwad on temporary basis for a period of 179 days or till the project is discontinued whichever is earlier.

Name of Post

No of Post


Agriculture Graduate Assistants


Rs.14000/- Per Month

Educational Qualifications: M.Sc. (Agri) and having excellent knowledge on Computer especially Database Management. Preference will be given to male candidates.

Eligible Candidates are requested to submit their application in person on plain paper enclosing only the true copies of the testimonials as per (the prescribed proforma). The candidates should appear for interview along with fully completed application on 07/10/2014 at 10.00 AM in the Chambers of the DEAN (AGRI), College of Agriculture, Dharwad.

Candidates should bring with them all the original documents, pertaining to their Qualifications, Date of Birth, Experience and Caste, etc. to produce before the Interview Committee at the time of Interview.

Detailed Notification >>

University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad College of Agriculture, Hanumanamatti invites application from the eligible persons for appointment of Technical Supervisor under the project entitled "IFS for Haveri District (Ab/Ac No: 6844/310)" operational at College of Agriculture, Hanumanamatti on temporary basis for a period of One Year or till the project is discontinued whichever is earlier.

Name of Post

No of Post


Technical Supervisor


Rs.15000/- Per Month

Educational Qualifications: Graduates from Agricultural University & Experience in IFS project.

Candidates who are willing to be considered for the posts are requested to submit their application in person on plain paper enclosing only the true copies of the testimonials as per prescribed pro-forma. The candidate should appear for interview along with fully completed application on 01/10/2014 at 10:00 AM in the Chamber of the DEAN (AGRI.), College of Agriculture, Hanumanamatti.

Detailed Notification >>

by | Last Updated on 2014-09-28T14:12:47Z