22 September 2014

Chhattisgarh CSERC Recruitment 2014 Ombudsman (Lokpal)

Chhattisgarh State Electricity Regulatory Commission (CSERC) Raipur invites applications from minimum 20 years experience person having a bachelor degree is any discipline for the post of Electricity Ombudsman. The last date for submission of application is 30th September 2014.

Post Name

Age Limit


Ombudsman (Lokpal)

65 Years

Rs.65,000/- per month inclusive all except medical reimbursement and travelling allowances.

Eligibility: Any Graduate with at least 20 years experience in in any of the fields, such as legal affairs, engineering, industry, administration, management, defence services and consumer affairs.

How To Apply: Application to be forwarded with full bio-data prescribed format and copies of degree and work experience in details along with recent passport size photograph to "The Secretary, Chhattisgarh State Electricity Regulatory Commission, Irrigation Colony, Shanti Nagar Raipur-492 001 (C.G.)" on or before 30/09/2014.

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by | Last Updated on 2014-09-22T05:59:04Z