13 September 2014

Allahabad High Court Recruitment Exam 2014 - 2341 Group C, Clerical Vacancies

UP-Civil-Court-Staff-Recruitment-2014High Court of Judicature at Allahabad issued Recruitment Examination Advertisement of Uttar Pradesh Civil Court Staff Centralized Recruitment Scheme-2014. Online Applications are invited from Eligible Intermediate Candidates for recruitment of Category C Cadre post of Junior Assistant and Paid Apprentices. The last date for submission of online application is 30th September 2014.

Advertisement No: 01/Sub. Court /Category 'C'/Clerical Cadre /2014

Name of Post

No of Vacancies

Age Limit

Scale of Pay

Junior Assistant (Various comparable posts) / Paid Apprentices

2341 (Approximate)

18 to 40 Years as on 01/07/2014

PB-I Rs.5200-20200/- + Grade Pay Rs.2000 / Rs.1900

Educational Qualifications:

Junior Assistant -> Intermediate with Special Knowledge of Urdu and Hindi along with a CCC certificate issued by DOEACC Society and 25/30 words per minute for Hindi/ English Typewriting on Computer, Arithmetic, mensuration, elementary land surveying and mapping, Order XXVI of Act No. V of 1908 and Rules (Civil) relating to the work and duties of the Junior Assistant.

Paid Apprentices -> Intermediate with CCC certificate issued by DOEACC Society and 25/30 words per minute for Hindi/ English Typewriting on Computer.

Selection Process: One Common Offline Written Examination (OMR Sheet), Computer Type Test and Interview.

(1) Off-line examination -> Objective type written examination on O.M.R. Sheet for Group 'C' posts. The selection process for the post of Junior Assistant and Paid Apprentices shall be same.
(2) Computer Type Test -> Hindi /English Computer type test for Group 'C' Posts shall be held on a later date after declaration of result of the Offline examination (Written Examination on O.M.R. sheet). Five candidates in order of merit against each post category-wise shall be shortlisted for appearing in Computer Type test.
(3) Interview shall not be part of the selection process.
(4) A combined merit list for Class-III posts (except the post of Driver and Stenographer) shall be prepared on the basis of marks obtained by the candidates in Offline examination and Hindi/English type test on computer.

Examination Schedules:

Date of Examination -> 18/10/2014
Reporting time at Center -> 02:30 PM
Entry in the Examination Hall after Checking of Admit Cards and ID Proof -> 3:00 PM to 3:30 PM
Distribution of Test Booklet -> 3:45 PM
Seal of the Test Booklet to be broken/opened to take out the OMR Answer sheet -> 3:50 PM
Last Entry in the Examination Hall -> 3:30 PM
Test Commences -> 4:00 PM
Test Concludes -> 5:30 PM

Examination Fee: Rs.750/- for General (UR) and OBC Candidates; Rs.500/- for SC / ST of U.P. The fee pay through Online Mode (using Debit / Credit Card / Net Banking) / Offline Mode (Payment Challan).

How To Apply: Eligible Interested Candidates are required to submit Online Application Form on or before 30/09/2014.

For Enquiries -> Helpdesk Details (10:00 AM to 5:00 PM)

Email Id - helpdeskhighcourtclerk@gmail.com
Toll Free Number - 1800-1200-711
Tolled Number - 0522-6567111

Important Dates:

Last date for submission of Application form -> 30/09/2014
Last date for deposit of fee by the candidates -> 01/10/2014
Issue of e-admit cards -> 10/10/2014 to 18/10/2014
Examination date -> 18/10/2014

Detailed Advertisement >>  Apply Online Here>>

by | Last Updated on 2014-09-13T05:17:29Z