13 October 2014

TNPSC Recruitment 2014 to 2015 Assistant Conservator

Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission (TNPSC) invites Online Application for direct recruitment of Assistant Conservator of Forests Vacancy included in Combined Civil Services - I Group-IA Service Examination. The last date for submission of online application is 15th October 2014.

Post Code

Name of Post

No of Vacancies

Age Limit

Pay Scale


Assistant Conservator of Forests in Tamil Nadu Forest Service (Service code No.002)


21 to 35 Years for Reserved Category; 21 to 30 Years for Others

Rs.15,600-39,100/-+ G.P Rs.5400/- (PB-3)

Educational Qualifications: Candidates should possess any one of the following or its equivalent qualification awarded by an University or Institution recognized by the University Grants Commission on the date of this Notification viz., 19.09.2014.

1. Bachelor's Degree in Forestry
2. A Bachelor's Degree in Botany
3. A Bachelor's Degree in Zoology
4. A Bachelor's Degree in Physics
5. A Bachelor's Degree in Chemistry
6. A Bachelor's Degree in Mathematics
7. A Bachelor's Degree in Statistics
8. A Bachelor's Degree in Geology
9. A Bachelor's Degree in Agriculture
10. A Bachelor's Degree in Horticulture
11. A Bachelor's Degree in Forest Economics
12. A Bachelor's Degree in Mechanical Engineering
13. A Bachelor's Degree in Civil Engineering
14. A Bachelor's Degree in Chemical Engineering

Selection Process: Main Written Examination (degree standard) (objective type), Physical Test  and Oral Test

Eligibility: Candidates should possess adequate knowledge of Tamil on the date of this Notification.

Exam Fee: Rs.175/- (Examination Fee Rs.125/- + Application fee Rs.50/-). Candidates claiming exemption from examination fee should pay Rs.50/- towards Application Cost (No exemption for cost of application).

How To Apply: Candidates should apply only through online in the Commission's Website on or before 15/10/2014.

Important Dates:

Last date for submission of application -> 15/10/2014
Last date for payment of Fee through Bank or Post Office -> 17/10/2014
Date of Main Written Examination - Paper - I, Paper - II, Paper - III -> 02/12/2014 To 09/12/2014

Detailed Notification >>

Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission (TNPSC) invites Online Applications for direct recruitment of Assistant Works Manager. The last date for submission of Online Application is 21st September 2014.

Notification No.14/2014

Post Code

Post Name

Name of the Service

No of Vacancies


Assistant Works Manager in the Government Press

Tamil Nadu Stationery and Printing Service (Service Code No.063)



Assistant Works Manager in the Tamil Arasu Press

Tamil Nadu General Service (Service Code No.035)


Pay Band: Rs.15600-39100 + Grade Pay Rs.5400/- (PB-3)

Age Limit: 18 to 30 Years for General Candidates. No Age Limit for Reserved Category Candidates.

Educational Qualifications:

(1) Must possess a B.E degree in Printing Technology (OR)
(2) (a) Must possess minimum general educational qualification as prescribed in the Schedule to Part II of the Tamil Nadu State and Subordinate Service Rules and a diploma in Printing Technology (letter Press or Offset) (OR) (b) Must possess minimum general educational qualification as prescribed in the Schedule to Part II of the Tamil Nadu State and Subordinate Service Rules and a diploma in Printing Technology with any elective subject awarded under the revised integrated pattern of course. (AND) (c) practical experience in Letter Press or Offset printing in a reputed printing press for not less than five years, out of which two years must be in a supervisory capacity.

Selection Process: Written Examination.

Written Examination Dates:

Paper - I (Printing Technology) -> 01/11/2014 (FN) [10 AM to 01:00 PM]
Paper - II (General Studies) -> 01/11/2014 (AN) [2:30 PM to 04:30 PM]

Examination Fee: Cost of Application Rs. 50/- + Examination fee Rs.125/- (Rs.175/-) made through Online Mode Only. Candidates claiming exemption from examination fee should pay Rs.50/- towards Application cost. Candidates who have registered in the one time registration system and paid the registration fee of Rs.50/- and received the registration ID need not pay the application fee i.e., Rs. 50/- and it is enough to pay the examination fee alone. The Last date for payment of Fee through Bank or Post Office is 23/09/2014.

How To Apply: Eligible Interested Candidates should apply only through online on or before 21/09/2014.

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by | Last Updated on 2014-10-13T13:29:24Z