08 September 2014

NIPHM Recruitment 2014 Various Posts (06 Vacancies)

National Institute of Plant Health Management (NIPHM) invites applications for the post of Registrar, Senior System Analyst, Financial Advisor, Assistant Scientific Officer (Ent), Office Superintendent (Admin) and Hindi Translator on Deputation / Direct Recruitment Basis. The last date for submission of application is 10th October 2014 (for Registrar Post) and 24th September 2014 (for other posts).

Post Name

No of Posts

Age Limit

Pay Scale

Registrar (on Deputation)


56 years

Rs.15,600-39,100 & GP  Rs.7,600

Senior System Analyst (on Deputation)


55 years

Rs.15,600-39,100 & GP  Rs.7,600

Financial Advisor (on Deputation)


55 years

Rs.15,600-39,100 & GP  Rs.6,600

Assistant Scientific Officer (Ent) (Direct)


35 years

Rs.9,300-34,800 & GP  Rs.4,200

Office Superintendent (Admin)  (Direct /  Deputation)


40 years/ 55 years

Rs.9,300-34,800 & GP  Rs.4,200

Hindi Translator — Office Superintendent
(Hindi Translation) (Direct)


55 years

Rs.9,300-34,800 & GP  Rs.4,200

Educational Qualification & Experience:

Registrar -> Officers of All India Services Group ’A’ in Junior Administrative  Grade with grade pay of Rs 7600/-. In the Pay Band of Rs. 15,600 -39,100/- (PB-III) (OR) With three years regular service in the Senior Scale in the pay band of Rs. 15,600-39100/- plus Rs. 6600/- (Grade pay).

Senior System Analyst -> A first class or second class ME/ M.Tech in Electronics & Communication Engineering/ Electrical Engineering / Computer Science Engineering. Minimum work experience of 8 years with at least 4 years of experience in ITES including teaching/ training etc.

Financial Advisor -> A first class or high second class Bachelor Degree, preferably in Commerce from recognised university or equivalent. 15 years experience in accounts work holding responsible supervisory/administrative position.

Assistant Scientific Officer (Ent) -> A First or high second class Masters Degree in Agriculture or Horticulture specialization in Entomology or Zoology with specialization in Entomology or Entomology. Total experience 02 years for M.Sc. candidates in SPS, Plant Quarantine/PHM with specific reference to Entomology OR 1 year in relevant field for M.Sc candidates who have Post Graduate Diploma in PHM/Post Graduate Diploma in Plant Protection OR Ph.D candidates without experience will also be considered.

Office Superintendent (Admin) -> A Bachelor Degree from a recognized university or equivalent. 8 years experience in administration.  

Hindi Translator -> Master’s Degree from a recognized University in Hindi with English or Vice-Versa. Two years experience of translation work from Hindi to English and Vice –versa in Central / State Government Offices including Govt. Of India Undertakings, proof correction etc. 

How To Apply:

Registrar -> Applications (in triplicate) in the enclosed proforma, along with the complete and up-to-date Confidential Reports (photocopies of the C.Rs are to be got attested by an officer not below the rank of Under Secretary to the Government of India) and Integrity Certificate of eligible officers who could be spared in the event of their selection, may be forwarded to Director General, National Institute of Plant Health Management, Department of Agriculture and Cooperation, Ministry of Agriculture, Govt. of India, Hyderabad within on or before 10/10/2014

For Other Posts –> The applications in prescribed proforma should reach the Registrar, National Institute of Plant Health Management, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad 500 030, A.P. on or before 24/09/2014.

Detailed Notification Here>>

National Institute of Plant Health Management (NIPHM) Department of Agriculture & Cooperation Walk in Interview for engagement of following Research Posts on Contractual Basis. The engagement will be initially for a period of One year or till requirement whichever is earlier. Walk in interview will be held on 4th and 5th September 2014.

Name of Post

No of Posts

Consolidated Monthly Remuneration

Research Associate (RA)


For PhD: Rs.24,000 + 30% HRA; For others: Rs.23,000 + 30% HRA

Senior Research Fellow (SRF)


Rs.16,000/- + 30% HRA

Junior Research Fellow  (JRF)


Rs.12,000/- + 30% HRA

Educational Qualification: Master's Graduate with Ph.D.

Walk in interview -> 04/09/2014 & 05/09/2014.

The candidates should present themselves for certificate verification at the same venue by 9.00 a.m. The candidates are directed to bring all the relevant original documents pertaining to educational qualifications, experience, research, training, projects, testimonials, etc., along with a set of attested photocopies and a recent passport size photograph, for necessary certificate verification.

Detailed Notification >>

National Institute of Plant Health Management (NIPHM), Hyderabad invites applications for the post of Registrar, Senior System Analyst, Financial Advisor, Assistant Scientific Officer (Ent), Office Superintendent (Admin) and Hindi Translator on Direct / Deputation Recruitment Basis.

About: NIPHM, An autonomous organization under the Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India.

Post Name

No of Posts

Age Limit

Pay Scale

Registrar (Deputation)


56 years

Rs.15,600-39,100 & GP Rs.7,600

Senior System Analyst (Deputation)


55 years

Rs.15,600-39,100 & GP Rs.7,600

Financial Advisor (Deputation)


55 years

Rs.15,600-39,100 & GP Rs.6,600

Assistant  Scientific Officer (ENT) (Direct)


35 years

Rs.9,300-34,800 & GP  Rs.4,200

Office Superintendent (Admin) (Direct/Deputation)


40 years/ 55 years

Rs.9,300-34,800 & GP  Rs.4,200

Hindi Translator –O.S. (Hindi Translation) (Direct)


35 years

Rs.9,300-34,800 & GP  Rs.4,200

Educational Qualifications:

Registrar -> Officers of All India Services Group ’A’ in Junior Administrative  Grade with grade pay of Rs 7600/-. In the Pay Band of Rs. 15,600 -39,100/- (PB-III) (OR) With three years regular service in the Senior Scale in the pay band of Rs. 15,600-39100/- plus Rs. 6600/- (Grade pay).

Senior System Analyst -> A first class or second class ME/ M.Tech in Electronics & Communication Engineering/ Electrical Engineering / Computer Science Engineering. Minimum work experience of 8 years with at least 4 years of experience in ITES including teaching/ training etc.

Financial Advisor -> A first class or high second class Bachelor Degree, preferably in Commerce from recognised university or equivalent. 15 years experience in accounts work holding responsible supervisory/administrative position.

Assistant Scientific Officer (Ent) -> A First or high second class Masters Degree in Agriculture or Horticulture specialization in Entomology or Zoology with specialization in Entomology or Entomology. Total experience 02 years for M.Sc. candidates in SPS, Plant Quarantine/PHM with specific reference to Entomology OR 1 year in relevant field for M.Sc candidates who have Post Graduate Diploma in PHM/Post Graduate Diploma in Plant Protection OR Ph.D candidates without experience will also be considered.

Office Superintendent (Admin) -> A Bachelor Degree from a recognized university or equivalent. 8 years experience in administration.

Hindi Translator -> Master’s Degree in any subject with Hindi and English. Two years experience of translation work from Hindi to English and Vice –versa in Central / State Government Offices including Govt. Of India Undertakings, proof correction etc. 

How To Apply: The applications in prescribed proforma should reach "The Registrar, National Institute of Plant Health Management, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad 500 030, A.P.” on or before 10/10/2014 (for Registrar) and 24/09/2014 for all other posts.

Registrar Details >> Other Posts Details >>

by | Last Updated on 2014-09-08T08:11:23Z