15 August 2014

Nizamabad District Court Recruitment 2014 Process Servers, Office Subordinates

District and Sessions Court, Nizamabad (Andhra Pradesh) invites prescribed format of applications for appointment to the posts of Process Servers and Office Subordinates by direct recruitment basis in A.P. Last Grade Services in the Unit of District Judge, Nizamabad. The last date for submission of application is 8th September 2014.

Notification No. 01 / 2014 (GENERAL RECRUITMENT)

Post Name

Total Vacancies

Scale of Pay


Process Servers



Must have passed 8th Class Examination and able to read English, Urdu/Hindi and Telugu. (maximum Matriculation)

Office Subordinates



Must have passed 7th Class Examination and able to read English, Urdu/Hindi and Telugu.

Age Limit: 18 to 34 Years as on 1st July 2014. Age Relaxation 05 Years for BCs, SCs and STs.

Selection Process:Written Test and Interview.

Application Fee: A crossed Demand Draft for Rs.200/- drawn on any nationalized bank payable at Ni/amabad in favour of the Prl. District and Sessions Judge, Nizamabad should be submitted to the Prl. District and Sessions Judge, Nizamabad. The candidates applying for more than one post shall submit separate application for each post. The candidates belonging to Schedule Caste. Schedule Tribe, Physically Handicapped and Ex-Servicemen are exempted from payment of Fee.

How To Apply: The applications shall be in the prescribed performa and shall be addressed to "THE PRL. DISTRICT AND SESSIONS JUDGE, NIZAMABAD" sent by Post/Registered Post/Courier etc. The postal cover should be superscripted with "APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF PROCESS SERVER / OFFICE SUBORDINATE ". The last date for receipt of applications is 08/09/2014 up to 5:00 PM.

Detailed Document Here>>

by | Last Updated on 2014-08-15T13:55:25Z