11 August 2015

Government of India Press Aligarh Recruitment 2015 Apprentices (37 Vacancies)

Government of India Press, Aligarh engagement of Trade Apprenticeship Training. The Manager, Govt, of India Press, Aligarh invites applications for Offset M/c Minder, Plate Maker, Book Binder Apprentices in various Trades Apprenticeship Training for the Session Commencing from October 2015.

Name of Trade

No of Vacancies

Book Binder


Offset Machine Minder


Plate Maker


Stipend (Per Month):

(a) During the first year of training 70% of minimum wages of semi-skilled Workers notified by the respective State or Union Territory.
(b) During the second year of training 80% of minimum wage of semi-skilled workers notified by the respective State or Union Territory.
(c) During the third year of Training 90% of minimum wage of semi-skilled workers notified by the respective State or Union Territory.

How To Apply: The application should reach this Office of THE MANAGER, GOVT, OF INDIA PRESS, ALIGARH within 21 days from the date of Advertisement (i.e. Last Date will be 28/08/2015). The application must be sent through Speed post or Registered with A/D or drop in the Box kept at the TK Section in this Press Premises.

DAVP Notification >>

by | Last Updated on 2015-08-11T15:09:31Z