26 May 2014

NIMS Recruitment 2014 Faculty, Medical Officers

Nizam's Institute of Medical Sciences (NIMS) Hyderabad (A University Established under the State Act) invites applications from the eligible candidates for recruitment of Professors. Associate Professors, Assistant Professors, Lecturers and Medical Officers in various specialties. Eligible persons apply on or before 7th June 2014.

Name of Post


Scale of Pay


Broad Specialty (Radiation Oncology, Emergency Medicine), Super Specialty (Nephrology, Rheumatology)

(PB 4-Rs.37,400/- - 67,000-/-) Pay Rs.51,600/- Grade Pay Rs.10,500 +Allowances

Associate Professor

Super Specialty (Endocrinology, Rheumatology, Vascular Surgery)

(PB 4-Rs.37,400/- - 67,000-/-) Pay Rs.42,800/- Grade Pay Rs.9,000 + Allowances

Assistant Professor

Broad Specialty (Anaesthesiology, Emergency Medicine), Super Specialty (Cardiology, Endocrinology, Medical Oncology, Neurology, Rheumatology, Vascular Surgery, Urology, Nephrology, Medical Gastroenterology)

(PB 3-Rs.15,600/- -39,100/-) Pay Rs.30,000/- Grade Pay Rs.8000 + Allowances


Radiation Oncology, Hospital Administration Anaesthesiology & Critical Care, Respiratory Medicine, Cardiology, Medical Gastroenterology, Surgical Oncology, Vascular Surgery, Endocrinology

Broad Specialty MD/MS - Rs.18750/- + Grade Pay Rs.6600/- plus
Allowances per month.
Super Specialty with DM/M.Ch qualification - Rs.21900- + Grade Pay Rs.7600/- plus allowances per month.

Medical Officers


Pay Band 3 (Rs.15600-39100), Grade Pay of Rs.5400/-

Medical Officers



Pay Band 3 (Rs.15600-39100), Grade Pay of Rs.5400/-

Application Fee: Separate application form has to be submitted along with Rs.500/- for each post by way of Demand Draft drawn in favor of Director, NIMS, payable at Hyderabad OR Cash Receipt for Rs.500/- issued by NIMS IP Cash Counter, has to be enclosed to the application form towards Application / Registration Fee.

How To Apply: Completed Applications along with enclosures submitted to the "Executive Registrar, Nizam's Institute of Medical Sciences, Panjagutta, Hyderabad- 500082" on or before 07/06/2014.

Detailed Notification Here>>

National Institute of Medical Science (NIMS - A Constituent Institute of Nims University, Jaipur) requires following Faculty posts for Superspeciality.

Address: NIMS, Shobha Nagar, Jaipur-Delhi Highway, Jaipur-303121.

Name of Discipline

Name of Posts


Professor/Associate Professor/Assistant Professor


Professor/Associate Professor/Assistant Professor


Professor/Associate Professor

Salary –> No Bar and Negotiable.

Contact Email -> esharma@nimsuniversity.org, drdtiwari@gmail.com
Contact Mobile No -> 09166311113, 09214327280

NIMS - www.IndGovtJobs.in

by | Last Updated on 2014-05-26T04:49:23Z