17 March 2014

Zilla Saksharata Samiti Mayurbhanj Recruitment 2014 Field Functionaries (794 Vacancies)

Zilla Saaksharata Samiti, Baripada, Mayurbhanj (Odisha State) invites applications from the Intending candidates from WSHG Groups and Youth Clubs for engagement of field functionaries at Zilla Saksharata Samities (ZSS), Block Level Lok Siksya Samiti (BLSS) and Gram Panchayat Lok Sikshya Samtt (GPLSS) in Mayurbhanj District.

Advertisement No.07/ZSS dated 01/03/2014

Name of the Post

Total Vacancies

Monthly Honorarium

G.P. Level Field Functionaries


Rs.2000/- Per Month

Block Level Field Functionaries


Rs.6000/- Per Month

District Level Field Functionaries


Rs.6000/- Per Month

Qualifications & Eligibility:

Field Functionaries at G.P. Level ->

Essential -

(a) Minimum 10th Class Pass.
(b) He/She must be a permanent resident of same G.P.
(c) He/She must have active work experience in the field of Adult Education.

Desirable -

(a) Experience in Community Developemtn Work / Social Work.
(b) Knowledge of Vocational Skills.

Field Functionaries at Block & District Level ->

(a) He / She must be a graduate with Computer Knowledge (Computer knowledge of MS word, excel power & page maker)
(b) He/ she must be a permanent resident of the same Block in case of block field functionaries (FF) and of the same district in case of district field functionaries.
(c) Preference should be given to the experience preraks of Continuing Education Centers (CEC) / Nodal CEOs / Jan Shikana Nilayam (JSN) and Quailed Instructors / MTs / RPs of TLC/PLP on production of valid proof.
(d) 50% of total field functionaries of a district would be Women/S.C./S.T./Minorities.
(e) He/She must nave Knowledge of driving motor cycle for making extensive tour.

Detailed Notification Here>>

by | Last Updated on 2023-09-15T15:58:41Z