23 July 2014

Indian Institute of Packaging Recruitment 2014 Senior Research Fellow

Indian Institute of Packaging (IIP) Mumbai invites applications from bright young men and women for Senior Research Fellowship (SRF) at Mumbai. The last date for receipt of application is 18th August 2014.

Advertisement No. & Date: 07/2014

Post Name

Age Limit



Senior Research Fellowship (Microbiology)

28 Years (05 Years for SC / ST / OBC and PWD Candidates)

Rs.23000/- per month

02 Years

Educational Qualifications: M.Sc in Microbiology or equivalent degree with at least 55% marks and one publication in SCI Journal and should have completed at least two years of post MSc research experience OR MSc in Microbiology or equivalent with at least 60% marks. Candidates with NET/SET will be given preference.

Selection Process: Selection will be made through interview of candidates short-listed on the basis of their academic records, experience and assessment of research work, publications etc by the selection committee.

How To Apply: Bio-data in the prescribed format along with a brief write up supporting the candidature/suitability for the post and attested copies of certificates, mark sheets etc in a sealed envelope super scribed with "Applications for Senior Research Fellowship" shall be forwarded to "The Deputy Director (Admn & Accts), IIP, E-2, MIDC, Andheri (East), Mumbai-400093". Last date of receipt of application is 18/08/2014.

Detailed Notification Here>>

IIP-Jobs-2014Indian Institute of Packaging (IIP) invites applications from Indian Citizens for recruitment of Faculty (Teaching) and Non-Teaching Posts - The Vacancies filling up at IIP Head Office at Mumbai & the Regional Centers at Delhi, Kolkata, Chennai, Hyderabad & Bangaluru and also some new Regional Centers being set up in the near future.

Name of Post

No. of Vacancies

Age Limit

Scale of Pay

Professor / Additional Director

01 (OBC)


Rs.37400-67000(PB-4)+ 8900 (GP)

Associate Professor / Joint Director

01 (UR)


Rs.37400-67000(PB-4)+ 8700 (GP)


01 (SC)

30 Years

Rs.5200-20200 (PB-1)+ 1900 (GP)

Watch and Ward Assistant

02 (UR-01, OBC-01)

30 Years

Rs.5200-20200 (PB-1)+ 1900 (GP)

How To Apply: Application on the prescribed format, Completed Applications along with necessary photo-copiesdocuments shall be sent in a sealed envelope super-scribed with ‘The name of the post applied for’ addressed to "Deputy Director (Admn & Accts), Indian Institute of Packaging, E-2, MIDC Area, Andheri East, Mumbai-93". The Last date for receipt of application is 06/06/2014.

Detailed Advertisement Here>>

Indian Institute of Packaging (IIP) Mumbai invites applications from NET Qualified candidates for recruitment of Research Fellows. Eligible Persons apply on or before 5th May 2014.

About: IIP, an autonomous body under Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Govt. of India for vacancies at its Head Office at Mumbai.

Advertisement No. & Date: 01/2014 dated 10/03/2014

Name of Post

Age Limit


Junior/Senior Research Fellowships (JRF/SRFs)

Maximum 28 years as on the last date of application

Rs. 18000/- per month for two year tenure. The term is extendable by one year on the basis of assessment of the progress already made.

Educational Qualifications: MSc in Microbiology or equivalent degree with at least 55% marks and one publication in SCI Journal and should have completed at least two years of post MSc research experience OR MSc in Microbiology or equivalent with at least 60% marks.

Selection Process: Selection will be made through interview of candidates short-listed on the basis of their academic records, experience and assessment of research work, publications etc by the selection committee.

How To Apply: The applications along with attested copies of certificate, mark sheets, Proof of NET clearance etc in a sealed envelope, mentioning "Applications for Research Fellows " shall be forwarded to "The Deputy Director (Admn & Accts), IIP, E-2, MIDC, Andheri (East), Mumbai-400093". The Last date of receipt of application is 05/05/2014.

Detailed Notification Here>>

Indian Institute of Packaging (IIP) Mumbai issued advertisement for direct recruitment of Professor   / Additional Director and Technical Assistant. Eligible Indian National candidates apply on or before 14th April 2014.

About: Indian Institute of Packaging (an autonomous body under the Ministry of Commerce & Industry) in its Head Office at Mumbai and the Regional Centers at Delhi, Kolkata, Chennai, Hyderabad and Bangaluru and as also some new Regional Centers being set up in the near future.

Advertisement No. & Date: 02/2014 dated 10/03/2014

Post Name

No of Posts

Age Limit

Scale of Pay

Professor / Additional Director

03 (UR-2, OBC-1)

Not Mentioned

Rs. 37400-67000 (PB-4) + Grade Pay Rs. 8900/-

Technical Assistant

01 (SC)

30 Years

Rs.9300-34800 (PB-2) + Grade Pay Rs.4200/-

Educational Qualifications:

Professor / Additional Director ->

Essential - PhD. Degree in Engineering/ Technology/ Science/ Applied Science in subjects relevant to packaging with good academic record throughout and 10 years experience in teaching / industry   / research in related subjects; OR Post Graduate degree in Engineering/ Technology/Science/ Applied Science in subjects relevant to packaging with good academic record throughout and 15 years  experience in teaching/ industry/ research in related subjects. Experience will be counted in teaching subjects related to Packaging/working in packaging or package user industry/organizations  dealing  packaging development, research, standardization etc.
Desirable - Possession of PG  Diploma in packaging.

Technical Assistant -> Graduate in Science/Applied Sciences in the subjects related to packaging with proficiency in computer operations and having three years experience in packaging operations or in a R & D Laboratory related to packaging.

How To Apply: Applicants must send in one hard copy of filled prescribed application form (signed) and sealed along with necessary photo-copies of documents reach to "Deputy Director (Admn & Accts), Indian Institute of Packaging, Mumbai". Last date for receipt of application is 14/04/2014.

Detailed Advertisement Here>> Application Format>>

by | Last Updated on 2014-07-23T09:27:05Z