28 May 2017

Armoured Static Workshop EME Recruitment 2017 Group B & C Posts (08 Vacancies)

Armoured Static Workshop EME, Bhingar Camp, Tal & Dist Ahmednagar - 414002 (Maharashtra State) invites applications from Indian Citizens for recruitment of following Group 'B', Non Gazetted and Group 'C' posts. The Last date of receipt of application is 10th June 2017.

Name of Post

No of Vacancies

Pay Scale



PB-2 ₹ 9300 – 34800 + GP ₹ 4200/-

Steno (Grade-II)


PB-1 ₹ 5200-20200 + GP ₹ 2400/-

Elect (HS-II)


PB-1 ₹ 5200-20200 + GP ₹ 2400/-

Inst Mech (HS-II)


PB-1 ₹ 5200-20200 + GP ₹ 2400/-

Fitter (Skilled)


PB-1 ₹ 5200-20200 + GP ₹ 1900/-



PB-1 ₹ 5200-20200 + GP ₹ 1800/-

Age Limit: 18 to 25 Years for all posts. Age Relaxation as per Govt. Rules.

Educational Qualifications:

Chargeman -> Diploma in any one of the Engineering disciplines Mechanical/ Electronics or Telecom field. OR Persons who have held the rank of Havildar Major Technical or equivalent ranks with three years experience as such or equivalent rank in the appropriate technical branch of Army, Navy or Air Force.

Steno Grade-II -> (i) Matric with 12th pass or equivalent from a recognized Board or University. (ii) Skill Test Norms Dictation mts @ 80 w.p.m., Transcription 65 mts (Eng) 75 mts (Hindi).

Elect (HS-II) / Inst Mech (HS-II) / Fitter -> Pass in 10+2 with a certificate from a recognized Industrial Training Institute in the respective trade or grade. OR Armed Forces Personnel or Ex-servicemen from the appropriate trade and minimum at grade-I.

MTS -> Matriculation (10th Std) pass or equivalent from recognized Board.

Selection Process: Written Exam and Interview.

How to Apply: Eligible Candidates to forward applications along with self address envelops with postal stamp of ₹ 5/- properly filled in an envelop with the address mentioned against the post applied for through Ordinary Post. Candidates are requested to super scribe the words "Application for the post of _____”. On the top of the envelop while sending the Application Form. Separate application is required for each post. The Last date of receipt of application is 10/06/2017.

Details and Application Form >>

Armoured Static Workshop EME, Bhingar Camp, Tal & Dist Ahmednagar-414002 (Maharashtra State) invites applications from Indian Citizens for direct recruitment of following Group 'C' posts. Eligible persons apply within 30 days from the date of advertisement in Employment News paper (Dated 8th March 2014).

Name of Posts

Total Vacancies


Telecom Mechanic (HS-II)


PB-1 Rs.5200-20200/- + Grade Pay Rs.2400/-

Armt Mech (HS-II)


PB-1 Rs.5200-20200/- + Grade Pay Rs.1800/-



PB-1 Rs.5200-20200/- + Grade Pay Rs.1800/-



PB-1 Rs.5200-20200/- + Grade Pay Rs.2400/-

Tradesman Mate


PB-1 Rs.5200-20200/- + Grade Pay Rs.1800/-



PB-1 Rs.5200-20200/- + Grade Pay Rs.1900/-

MTS (Gardner)


PB-1 Rs.5200-20200/- + Grade Pay Rs.1800/-

MTS (Safaiwala)


PB-1 Rs.5200-20200/- + Grade Pay Rs.1800/-



PB-1 Rs.5200-20200/- + Grade Pay Rs.1900/-



PB-1 Rs.5200-20200/- + Grade Pay Rs.1900/-



PB-1 Rs.5200-20200/- + Grade Pay Rs.1800/-



PB-1 Rs.5200-20200/- + Grade Pay Rs.1900/-

Educational Qualifications:

Telecom Mechanic, Armt Mech, ELECT, VM/AFV -> Intermediate (10+2) educational system or its equivalent with a certificate from a recognized Industrial Training Institute or equivalent in the appropriate field or grade. (OR) B.SC. or its equivalent with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics. (OR)Armd Forces Personnel or Ex-servicemen in the appropriate trade and grade-I at minimum.

Tradesman Mate -> Matriculation (10 Std Pass) recognized or equivalent.

Cook -> 1) Matriculation (10 Std Pass) or equivalent 2) Must have knowledge of Indian cooking and proficiency in trade.

MTS (Gardner) -> (1) Matriculation (10 Std Pass) or equivalent.(2) Six month's experience in the trade from recognized institute.

MTS (Safaiwala) -> (1) Matriculation (10 Std Pass) or equivalent. (2) Six month's experience in the trade from recognized institute.

LDC -> (1) 12th class passed OR equivalent qualification from a recognized board or university. (2) English typing @35 w.p.m. on computer.

CMD (OG) -> Essential - Must possess the civilian driving licence for heavy vehicles and have two year experience of driving such vehicles. Desirable - Matriculate or equivalent.

Washerman -> (1) Matriculation (10 Std Pass) or equivalent. (2) Six month's experience in the trade from recognized institute.

FIreman -> (1) Matriculation (10th Pass). (2) Must be physically fit and capable of performing strenuous duties.

Age Limit: 18 to 25 Years. 5 Years Age relaxation for SC/ST; 03 Years Age Relaxation for OBC.

How To Apply: Candidates to forward applications along with self address envelops with postal stamp of Rs. 25/-Properly filled in an envelop with the address “Armoured Static Workshop EME, PO- Bhingar, Taluka and District Ahmednagar-414002 (Maharashtra State)” through Ordinary Post. Registered application will not accepted. Candidates are requested to super scribe the words "Application for the post of_________________________________________________________ ". On the top of the envelop while sending the Application Form. Separate application is required for each post. Last date of receipt of application is 30 days from the date of publication of the advertisement (07/04/2014). Date of the advertisement in the Newspaper will be taken into account for Calculating 30 days.

by | Last Updated on 2017-05-28T05:14:05Z