05 February 2014

Insurance Institute of India Recruitment 2014 Faculty Positions

Insurance Institute of India invites applications from suitable candidates for faculty post of Associate Professor/Professor. Eligible candidates are your CV to personnel@iii.org.in on or before 19th February 2014.

About: Insurance Institute of India was established in 1955 and engaged in Insurance Education for professional certification. Institute conducts training and development programs for Insurance Professionals through "College of Insurance".

Post Name

Age Limit

Pay Allowance & Benefits

Associate Professor/Professor

45 Years  but not exceeding 57 years as on 1st April 2013

Rs.37,400-67000 with academic grade pay of Rs.10,000/- and Rs.11,000/- for Associate Professor and Professor respectively.

Minimum Qualifications & Experience:

1. Masters Degree with minimum 55% marks & Ph. D.
2. Must comply with the necessary eligibility to criteria as prescribed by University of Mumbai to become a "Research Guide".
3. Ph. D in any area of Social Science.
4. Should have complete knowledge of "Research Methodology".
5. Should be conversant with all quantitative and statistical tools and modality needed for research.
6. 10 years (Research , Teaching, Training or as executive of Insurance Company) Candidates already working in similar research centers or organizations and having insurance experience will be preferred.

How To Apply: Completed Applications with CV addressed to "The Secretary - Personnel", Insurance Institute of India may be submitted at personnel@iii.org.in on or before 19/02/2014.

Detailed Notification Here>>

by | Last Updated on 2014-07-25T04:46:20Z