07 January 2014

MPSRLM Recruitment 2014 www.mpraf.nic.in

Madhya Pradesh Rajya Ajeevika Forum (MPRAF) issued recruitment notification for the following posts in Madhya Pradesh State Rural Livelihood Mission (MPSRLM). Eligible candidates apply on the prescribed format on or before 21st January 2014.

Name of the Posts

Total Vacancies

Educational Qualifications

Assistant State Project, District, Block, Assistant Block Managers


B.E / B.Tech / B.V.Sc  / Degree (AH) / M.Com / PG Degree/ Diploma (Management) / MBA

Eligibility: Full Detailed information (Age Limit, No of Vacancies, Qualification) published on official advertisement (in Hindi Language).

The Last date for receipt of application is 21/01/2014.

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by | Last Updated on 2014-01-07T17:29:13Z