27 January 2014

DHFWS Bangalore Recruitment 2014 Medical Officer, Nurse

dhfws-Bangalore-Jobs-2014Government of Karnataka, Directorate of Health & Family Welfare Services (DHFWS) Bangalore invites applications from the eligible candidates for the posts of Medical Officers, Specialist-District Medical Officer(NCD), Counselor & Staff Nurse under NPCDCS & Consultant Medicine, Rehabilitation Worker & Staff Nurse under NPHCE for a period for One (01) year on Contractual basis. Eligible candidates apply on or before 10th February 2014.

Under NPCDCS Programme Vacancies:

Post Name

No of Posts

Age Limit


Medical Officers (NCD)


40 years

Rs. 40,000/month (consolidated)

Specialist-District Medical Officer (NCD)


50 years

Rs. 60,000 to Rs.70000/- per month (consolidated) for Physician & Rs.80,000 to Rs.90,000/- per month for DM(Cardiology)



40 years

Rs. 12,000 / month (consolidated)

Staff Nurse


40 years

Rs. 8,000/month (consolidated)

NPHCE Programme Vacancies:

Post Name

No of Posts

Age Limit


Consultant Medicine


50 years

Rs. 50,000/month (consolidated)

Rehabilitation Worker


40 years

Rs. 15,000 / month (consolidated)

Staff Nurse


40 years

Rs.8000/- per month (Consolidated)

Educational Qualifications:

Medical Officers (NCD) -> MBBS or equivalent degree from institutions recognized by Medical Council of India. Must have completed compulsory internship. At least 2 years experience of working in a hospital.

Specialist-District Medical Officer -> MD in Medicine or equivalent degree from institutions recognized by Medical Council of India. DM or equivalent degree in Cardiology. At least 2 years experience of working as specialist/super specialist in a hospital.

Counsellor -> Bachelor's degree in social sciences or Degree / Diploma in counseling/ Health Education/Mass Communication. At least 2 years experience of working in a health care facility. Age Limit: 40 years.

Staff Nurse -> Bachelor's degree in Nursing / Diploma in Nursing. At least 2 years experience of working in Cardiac Care Unit/NCD Clinic/daycare Chemotherapy Center / Palliative Care.

Consultant Medicine -> MD in Medicine or equivalent degree from institution recognized by Medical Council of India. At least 2 years experience of working as a specialist in a hospital.

Rehabilitation Worker -> 10+2 or equivalent qualification. One year certificate course/Diploma in Multi Rehabilitation worker(DMRW) or Community Based Rehabilitation Worker(DCBR) from a recognized institute. Registered as Rehabilitation Personnel under Rehabilitation Council of India Act 1992. Or Bachelor's degree in Physio therapy (B.P.T).

How To Apply: Interested candidates may apply online through Online website http://web5.kar.nic.in/health_recruit on or before 10/02/2014 upto 5:00 PM.

Take Printout computer Generated Online application along with attested Xerox copies of Qualification, experience certificates, etc to The Project Director (IDS), Directorate of Health & F. W.Services, Anand Rao Circle, Bangalore-560009 by registered post or courier. The envelope shall be superscribed as "Application for the post of________". The Last date of receipt of hard copies of system generated online application, etc is 14/02/2014.

Detailed Notification Here>>

by | Last Updated on 2014-01-27T15:26:00Z