24 December 2013

Sanatan Dharam Senior Secondary School Shahdara Jobs 2013 Teachers (13 Vacancies)

Government Aided Sanatan Dharam Senior Secondary School Shahdara Delhi-110032 wanted Teachers in various subjects. Eligible candidates apply on or before 27th December 2013.

Post Name

No of Post

Age Limit

Educational Qualifications

PGT (Economics)

01 (UR)

Below 36 years Male / 46 Years Female

M.A Economics , B.Ed

PGT (Sanskrit)

01 (OBC)

Below 39 years Male / 49 years female

M.A Sanskrit B.Ed

TGT ( Math )

01 (ST)

35 years Male / 45 years Female

B.Sc with Math B.Ed

TGT (Maths)

02 (UR)

30 years Male / 40 years Female

B.Sc with Math B.Ed

TGT (English)


30 Years Male / 40 years Female

B.A with English B.Ed

TGT (English)

01 (ST-PWD)

45 years Male /Female

B.A With English B.Ed

TGT ( N. Science)

01 (UR)

30 Years Male / 40 years female

B.Sc with Science B.Ed

Assistant Teachers

04 (UR)

30 Years Male / 40 years Female

Higher Secondary or Senior Secondary / Inter-
mediate / JBT/BTC or Graduation with B.Ed

Assistant Teacher

01 (OBC-PWD)

43 years Male / Female

Higher Secondary or Senior Secondary /Intermediate / JBT / BTC or Graduation with B.Ed

Scale of Pay:

PGT -> Rs.9300-34800+4800/-
TGT -> Rs.9300-34800+4600/-
Assistant Teacher -> Rs.9300-34800+4200/-

Attested Photocopy of all documents including mark sheet, Experience Certificate Duly counter signed if any must be attached with the application. Apply within 21 days from the dated of advertisement in the name of "Manager / Chairmen of the S.D. Senior Secondary School Shahadara Delhi 32" by Registered Post.

sanatan dharam senior secondary school-www.IndGovtJobs.in

by | Last Updated on 2013-12-24T14:35:37Z