19 December 2013

DNS Bank Recruitment 2013 Manager Vacancies

Dombivli Nagari Sahakari Bank Limited (DNS Bank - A Scheduled Bank) invites applications for the positions of Junior General Manager, Deputy General Manager, Assistant General Manager, Chief Manager and Marketing Executive.

About: DNS Bank has completed 43 successful years in Banking Industry. The bank has achieved many milestones during this financial year. The notable among these are a) Internet banking, b) ISO Certification, c) Mobile Banking and d) achieved a figure of Rs.4,076 crores of Business Mix. Further, based on the financial results of March 2010 bank secured 2nd in the ranking of Maharashtra State Co-op. Bank’s Federation. The bank also received ’Padmabhushan Vasantdada Patil Utkrushta Nagari Sahakari bank’ Award issued by Maharashtra State Co-op. Bank’s Association.

Post Name

Age Limit

Overall Banking Experience

Junior General Manager

45 To 50 Years

15 to 20 Years

Deputy General Manager

45 To 50 Years

15 to 20 Years

Assistant General Manager

45 To 50 Years

08 to 10 years

Chief Manager

40 to 45 Years

07 to 10 years

Marketing Executive

40 to 45 Years

07 to 10 years

Educational Qualifications: Any Graduate - Any Specialization OR PG - Any PG Course - Any Specialization.

Detailed Notification Here>>

by | Last Updated on 2013-12-19T11:53:59Z