11 November 2013

Indian Ordnance Factory Ambarnath Recruitment 2013 Online Application Form (149 Semi-Skilled Vacancies)

IOF Ambarnath Jobs 2013Ordnance Factory, Ambarnath invites Online applications from eligible NAC/NTC (ITI) Indian citizens for filling up 149 vacancies of the following Semi-Skilled (Group 'C') posts. Eligible candidates apply online on or before 30th November 2013.

Address: Government of India Ministry of Defence Indian Ordnance Factories, Ordnance Factory, Ambarnath, District - Thane (Maharashtra) Pin: 421 502.

Advertisement No. OFA/LB/IEs/DR/SS/2012-13

Name of the Post

Total Vacancies


14 (UR-08, SC-01, ST-01, OBC-04)


25 (UR-14, SC-03, ST-02, OBC-06)


89 (UR-48, SC-09, ST-08, OBC-24)


21 (UR-11, SC-02, ST-02, OBC-06)

Age Limit (as on closing date of online application): 18 to 32 Years for UR; 18 to 35 Years for OBC; 18 to 37 Years for SC and ST Category Candidates. Age Relaxation check out official advertisement (as per Govt. Rules).

Essential Qualifications: Matriculation with National Apprentice Certificate (NAC) / National Trade Certificate (NTC) issued by NCVT. Degree and Diploma in Engineering not eligible for this recruitment.

Selection Process: Written Test and Trade Test (Practical).

Application Fee: A Non-refundable fee of Rs.50/- is to be paid in the form of Crossed Bank Draft / Indian Postal Order. The DD/IPO shall be in favour of "The Sr. General Manager, Ordnance Factory Ambarnath (Maharashtra)". Candidate must write his name and application no on the reverse of DD/IPO.

How To Apply: Eligible applicants are required to apply On-line from 11/11/2013, Registration shall be open for 15 days (i.e. 16/11/2013). The Last Date of receipt of Acknowledgement at OFA (along with DD/IPO & enclosures as applicable) - 21 days from date of publication (Advertisement Date 09/11/2013 published in Employment News & Rozgar Samachar dated 09/11/2013).

Detailed Notification Here>> Apply Online Here>>

by | Last Updated on 2014-06-20T16:00:06Z