23 November 2013

Chittaranjan Locomotive Works Sports Quota Recruitment 2013-14

Chittaranjan Locomotive Works, Chittaranjan issued employment notification for recruitment against Sports Quota (Open Advertisement) for the year 2013-14. Applications in the prescribed format from eligible Indian Sportspersons for recruitment against Sports quota (Open Advertisement) in CLW for following vacancies.

Post Name

No of Vacancies

Age Limit

Pay Scale

Sports Quota


18 to 25 Years as on 01/01/2014 (No Age relaxation for SC/ST/OBC candidate)

PB-1 Rs.5,200-20,200/-

Grade Pay wise Vacancies: Rs.2800/- / Rs.2400/- -> 02; Rs.2000/- / Rs.1900/- -> 08; Rs.1800/- -> 15.

Posts having Grade Pay

Educational Qualification


A University Degree or its equivalent.


Matriculation or its equivalent with 80 words per minute in Short hand (English) for a duration of 10 minutes which will be transcribed in typing in 65 minutes. (OR) Matriculation or its equivalent with 80 words per minute in Shorthand (Hindi) for a duration of 10 minutes which will be transcribed in typing in 75 minutes.

Rs.1,900 & 2,000/-

Pass in matriculation or its equivalent from a recognized board. (50% marks in the aggregate will be required for NTPC categories. 50% marks are not required for SC/ST candidates and for candidates having higher qualification).


Pass in 10th standard or ITI or equivalent from a recognized board.

Application Fee: No fee for SC/ST, ex-servicemen, physically challenged, women, minority candidates (Muslims, Christians, Sikhs, Buddhists & Zorastrians [Parsis]) and candidates belonging to economically backward classes (whose family income is less than Rs.50,000/- per annum) candidates.

Posts having Grade Pay

Indian Postal Order/Bank Demand Draft should be enclosed for an amount of Rs.

Rs.2,400/- & Rs.2,800/-


Rs.1,800/-, Rs.1,900/- and Rs.2,000/-


Selection Process: Selection will be based upon performance in sports Trial and Interview /Certificate Verification to be conducted and finalized by a nominated selection committee.

How To Apply: Application on the prescribed format on good quality A-4 size white paper after carefully reading the employment notice. Completed application reach to "Chief Personnel Officer, GM's Building/CLW, P.O.- Chittaranjan, Distt.- Burdwan, Pin- 713331 (West Bengal)" (OR) directly in Drop Box. The last date for receipt of application 30/11/2013 upto 17:00 Hrs.

Official Notification Here>>

by | Last Updated on 2013-11-23T08:33:36Z