24 October 2013

Ministry of Defence Group C Recruitment 2013

Ministry-of-DefenceGovernment Of India, Ministry Of Defence, 5121 ASC BN (MT) (CIV GT) recruitment notification for the recruitment of Group 'C' (Erstwhile Group 'D') vacancies of Vehicle Mechanic, Safaiwala, Lower Division Clerk (LDC), Cleaner, Cook and Civilian Motor Driver.

Post Name

Total Vacancies

Pay Scale

Vehicle Mechanic (Only for Male candidate)


PB-1 Rs.5200-20200 with Grade Pay of Rs 1900/-

Safaiwala (Multi Tasking staff) (Only for Male candidate)


PB-1 Rs.5200-20200 with Grade Pay of Rs 1800/-

Lower Division Clerk (LDC) (For both Male & Female candidate)


PB-1 Rs.5200-20200 with Grade Pay of Rs 1900/-

Cleaner (For Vehicles) (Only for Male candidate)


PB-1 Rs.5200-20200 with Grade Pay of Rs 1800/-

Cook (Only for Male candidate)


PB-1 Rs.5200-20200 with Grade Pay of Rs 1900/-

Civilian Motor Driver (CMD) (Ordinary Grade) (OG) (Only for Male candidate)


PB-1 Rs.5200-20200 with Grade Pay of Rs 1900/-

Age Limit:

(For the post Vehicle Mechanic, LDC, Cleaner, Safaiwala, Cook): 18 to 25 Yrs for UR; 18 to 30 Yrs for SC; 18 to 28 Yrs for OBC.

(For the post Civilian Motor Driver (Ordinary Grade): 18 to 27 Yrs for UR, 18 to 32 Yrs for SC, 18 to 30 Yrs for OBC Candidates.

Selection Process: Physical Endurance Test, Written Test, Practical and     / or Psychological Test, Interview.

How To Apply: Eligible candidates apply on the prescribed format (A-4 size plain paper). The photograph and document should be attested by the same Serving Group A / B Gazetted Officer alongwith the application. Candidates will enclose a self addressed envelope, affixing postal stamps of Rs. 25/- alongwith the application required for despatch of Acknowledgement / Admit Card if screened successfully so as to reach Commanding Officer, 5121 ASC BN (MT), PIN: 905121 C/O 56 APO within 21 days from the date of publication of this advertisement. The  candidates  are  required  to  superscribe  on the top  of envelope  "APPLICATION   FOR THE   POST  OF_______".

Detailed Notification Here>>

by | Last Updated on 2013-10-24T06:35:36Z