23 October 2013

IDBI Bank Jobs 2013 Ex-PSB Officials

idbi-bankIDBI Bank Limited advertisement for Empanelment of Ex- public sector bank officers for HR/ER assignments for the purpose of conducting departmental inquiries in IDBI Bank as Inquiring Authority / Enquiring Officer. Eligible retired Officers apply on or before 6th November 2013.

Post Name

Age Limit

Fees / Reimbursement

Ex-PSB officials

Not more than 68 years as on September 30, 2013

For one departmental inquiry (i.e per case) involving one employee / official, consolidated honorarium of Rs.15,000/- plus Rs.2,000/- for miscellaneous expenditure.

For one departmental inquiry (i.e per case) involving more than one employee, a consolidated honorarium of Rs.20,000/- plus Rs.4,000/- for miscellaneous expenditure.

Eligibility: The applicant should have retired from any Public Sector Bank (including SBI & IDBI). The applicant must have acted as Inquiring Authority / Enquiring Officer in atleast five departmental inquiries during the period of service.

How To Apply: Application on the prescribed format. Completed application reach to the Chief General Manager, Human Resources Department, IDBI Bank Ltd, IDBI Tower, 21st Floor, WTC Complex, Cuffe Parade, Mumbai 400 005 only by post / courier duly super scribed with words "Application for Empanelment of Ex - Officials of Public Sector Banks". The last date for receipt of application is 6th November 2013.

Detailed Notification Here>>

by | Last Updated on 2013-10-23T13:24:12Z