12 September 2013

NATPAC Recruitment 2013 Scientists

natpac scientist jobsNational Transportation Planning And Research Centre (NATPAC - An Institution of Kerala State Council for Science, Technology & Environment) Thiruvananthapuram invites application for the post of Scientists on regular basis.

Address: NATPAC, Sasthra Bhavan, Pattom P.O, Thiruvananthapuram - 695 004, Kerala State Phone: 0471-2543701-05, 2548200.

Name of the Post

Age Limit

Scale of Pay


Scientist- E1

40 Years

PB-3 Rs.15600-39100 Grade Pay Rs.7600/-

7 years after PG in Engg. or 4 years after PhD (Engineering) of which minimum 3 years should be in the next lower level or equivalent.

Scientist- E2

45 Years

PB-4 Rs.37400- 67000 Grade Pay Rs.8700/-

10 years after PG in Engg. or 6 years after PhD (Engineering) of which minimum 3 years should be in the next lower level or equivalent.

Age Relaxation: Reservation and relaxation of age limit to the candidates belonging to SC/ST, OBC etc. will be allowed as per KSCSTE Rules and directives of Government.

Qualification wise Discipline:



Field of Specialization and experience

Highway Engineering/ Highway Technology

PhD or 1st Class M.Tech / M.E. in Transportation or Highway Engineering / Technology or equivalent.

Highway Planning and design, Pavement Design, Materials Testing, Road Safety or allied areas.

Traffic and Transportation Engineering or Transport Planning

PhD or 1st Class Master's Degree in Transport Planning / Traffic Transportation Engineering or equivalent.

Transportation Planning, design of Traffic facilities, Public Transport system or allied areas.

Inland Water Transport / Hydraulics / Hydrology

PhD or 1st Class M.Tech / M.E. in Hydraulics or Water Resources Engineering or equivalent.

Inland Waterway development, Off-shore structures, Ports & Harbours, Water resources or allied areas.

How To Apply: Application with detailed bio data specifying the post applied for, copies of certificates and name of two referees should reach the undersigned on or before 26th September 2013.

Detailed Information Here>>

by | Last Updated on 2013-09-12T09:42:47Z