09 September 2013

National Handloom Development Corporation Limited Recruitment 2013 - NHDC Manager, Officer Posts

nhdcNational Handloom Development Corporation Limited (NHDC), a Public Sector Unit (PSU - A Government of India Undertaking) invites application for the post of various Manager and Officer vacancies in various departments.

About: NHDC, a PSU was set up in February 1983 by the Government of India as an autonomous body, under the Companies Act, 1956 in pursuance of the imperative need for a National Level Agency to assist the speedy development of the Handloom Sector by coordinating all actions covering the procurement and supply of inputs at reasonable price, augmenting the marketing efforts of State Handloom Agencies and initiating developmental activities for upgrading the technology in the Handloom Sector and improving productivity.


Name of the Post

No of Posts

Age Limit

Pay Scale + Grade Pay

Chief Manager (Comm.) - Yarn


48 Years

Rs.32900-58000 (IDA)

Sr. Manager (Comm.) - Yarn


45 Years

Rs.29100-54500 (IDA)

Officer (Comm.) - Yarn


30 Years

Rs.9000-21000 (IDA)


Name of the Post

No of Posts

Age Limit

Pay Scale + Grade Pay

Dy. Manager (F&A)


45 Years

Rs.20600-46500 (IDA)

Asstt. Manager (F&A)


40 Years

Rs.16400-40500 (IDA)

Sr. Officer (F&A)


35 Years

Rs.10800-24500 (IDA)


Name of the Post

No of Posts

Age Limit

Pay Scale + Grade Pay

Asstt. Manager (Rajbhasha)


40 Years

Rs.16400-40500 (IDA)

How To Apply: Application in the prescribed form duly filled in enclosing therewith demand draft and a set of attested photocopies of the relevant certificates in support of qualifications, age, category and affixing passport size photograph at the space provided along with undertaking and checklist of documents enclosed should be sent in sealed cover duly super scribed as "APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF----------------- "as the case may be, so as to reach to Chief Manager (P&A), National Handloom Development Corporation Ltd., 10th & 11th Floor, Vikas Deep Building 22 Station Road Lucknow- 226 001 latest by 30.09.2013.

Detailed Notification Here>>

by | Last Updated on 2013-09-09T13:56:18Z