23 August 2013

Tamil Nadu Open University (TNOU) Recruitment of Associate Professor of Computer Science

tnou_thumb1Tamil Nadu Open University (TNOU) Chennai – Applications are invited for the post of Associate Professor of Computer Science.

Address: TNOU, No.577, Anna Salai, Saidapet, Chennai-600 015. Phone : (91-44) 2430 6645 / 6600 : Fax : (91-44) 2430 6640 email : registrar@tnou.ac.in

Advertisement No: .2/Estt/TNOU-Recruitment/2013

Post Name

No of Post

Scale of pay

Associate Professor of Computer Science

01 (GT)

Rs.15,600-39,100/- with AGP Rs.8000/- (As per UGC Regulations, 2010)

Educational Qualifications:

i. Good Academic record with a Ph.D., Degree in Computer Science or allied/ relevant disciplines.
ii.A Master's Degree with at least 55% marks (or equivalent grade in a point scale, wherever grading system is followed)
iii. A minimum of eight (8) years of experience of teaching and/or research in an academic/research position equivalent to that of Assistant Professor in a University/College or Accredited Research Institution/Industry excluding the period of Ph.D research with evidence of published work and a minimum of 5 publications as books and/or research/policy papers.
iv. Contribution to educational innovation, design of new curricula and courses, and technology-mediated teaching learning process with evidence of having guided doctoral candidates and research students.
v.A minimum score as stipulated in the Academic Performance Indicator (API) based Performance Based Appraisal System (PBAS) developed by the UGC.

How To Apply: Prescribed applications along with details can be obtained from the Office of the Registrar, Tamil Nadu Open University, No.577 Anna Salai, Saidapet, Chennai - 600 015 in person by submitting a DD for Rs.500/- or by sending a requisition accompanied by a DD for Rs.550/- drawn in favour of Tamil Nadu Open University payable at Chennai. Filled-in application forms along with all the enclosures should reach the University on or before 05.00 P.M. 23.09.2013. Superscribing the envelope "APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF.......................... ".

Detailed Notification Here>>

by | Last Updated on 2013-08-23T06:21:46Z