29 August 2013

Railtel Corporation of India Recruitment 2013 www.railtelindia.com 20 Field Supervisors

railtelRailTel Corporation of India Limited (A Miniratna Category-I Enterprise) invites applications from qualified candidates for the post of Field Supervisors(Total 40 Vacancies) for its National Optic Fiber Network (NOFN) projects in the Southern (Tamil Nadu & Pondicherry) and Western (Gujarat,DD & DN) Regions. The posts purely contract basis - Initially 3 years from the date of joining; extendable further on mutual consent depending upon requirements of project and performance of the candidate.

Vacancy No.

Name of the Post


No of Vacancies

01/ 2013/NOFN (SR)

Field Supervisor

Southern Region


02/ 2013/NOFN (WR)

Field Supervisor

Western Region


Qualification and Experience: Diploma in Electronics/Telecom/Communication/Electrical with minimum 55% marks, with minimum 3 year managerial/supervisory experience in the field of execution of Optical Fiber Cable based telecom Infrastructure Projects and/or operation and maintenance of Optical Fiber Cable/equipment/network; [OR] BE/B.Tech in Electronics/Telecom/Communication/Electrical/IT/Computer Science or MCA with minimum 55% marks, with minimum 1 year managerial/supervisory experience in the field of execution of Optical Fiber Cable based telecom Infrastructure Projects and/or operation and maintenance of Optical Fiber Cable/ equipment/ network.

Consolidated Monthly Remuneration: Rs.20000/- + EPF (employer's contribution)

Selection Procedure: Written Test and /or Interview of short-listed candidates at a place to be decided by Railtel.

How To Apply: Application in the prescribed format - typed on A-4 size paper. Completed application in all respects, along with self attested photocopies of the required documents should reach to “Manager (Rectt), RailTel Corporation of India Limited, Corporate Office, 143, Institutional Area, Sector 44, Gurgaon-122003.” by unregistered post on or before 13th September 2013. Vacancy Code Number and Name of the post should be super scribed on top-left hand corner of the envelope containing the application and the envelope.

Detailed Notification & Application Format>>

by | Last Updated on 2018-05-08T10:07:57Z