20 August 2013

MPPGENCO Medical Officer Recruitment 2013 Madhya Pradesh - 18 Vacancies (Walk In Interview)

mppgclMadhya Pradesh Power Generating Company Limited (MPPGENCO) invites application from MBBS doctors for the recruitment of Medical Officers on contract basis for a period of One Year for its hospitals at various existing and upcoming Thermal and Hydel power stations.

Name of the Post

No of Vacancies

Age Limit

Monthly Remuneration

Medical Officers

18 (UR-9, SC-03, ST-03, OBC-03)

20 to 35 Years

Rs.30,450/- Per Month

Educational Qualifications: MBBS with Permanent registration from Medical Council of Bhopal.

Contract Period: one Year or till the appointment of Medical Officer on  regular basis in MPPGCL, whichever is earlier. The same may be extended at the discretion of MPPGCL.

Date & Venue of Walk-in-interview: The interview w ill be held in The conference hall attached to office of Director Commercial, MPPGCL, Block No. 9, I Floor, Shakti Bhawan, Jabalpur on 30th August 2013 at 11:00 AM.

Eligible candidates may attend the above Walk-in-interview on scheduled date and time along with application on plain paper with complete bio-data and photocopies of mark sheets/certificates.

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by | Last Updated on 2013-08-20T15:50:57Z