19 July 2013

Nainital Bank Ltd Recruitment 2013 Manager Security in Officers Grade

Nainital BankThe Nainital Bank Limited requires Manager (Security) in Officers’ Grade/Scale-II In the Pay scale of Rs. 19400-700/1-20100-800/10-28100 which is under revision (Gross Salary around Rs. 39,210/- at Nainital at present plus perks).

About Nainital Bank: Bank has its Head Office at Nainital, Uttarakhand and Two Regional Office's, one each at New Delhi and Haldwani. (Registered Office: G.B.Pant Road, Nainital).

Post Name

Age Limit

Pay Scale

Manager (Security)

50 Years as on 31/07/2013

Rs. 19400-28100/-

Eligibility: Candidate should not be below the rank of Captain or equivalent in Armed Forces preferably combat services with adequate exposure in security work. Experience of security matters of banking Industry preferred.

How To Apply: Eligible candidates may apply in the prescribed formats with this text along with self attested copies of proof of age, qualification, experience, relieving letter from Armed Forces, in a closed envelope. The envelope should be marked “Application for the post of – Manager (Security) in Officers’ Grade/Scale-II.” Application completed in all respect should reach to “The Vice President, HRM, The Nainital Bank Limited, Head Office, Seven Oaks Building, Mallital, Nainital-263001 (Uttarakhand).” on or before 31.07.2013.

Details: http://www.nainitalbank.co.in/Documents/Security%20Officer_2013.pdf

by | Last Updated on 2013-07-19T09:05:48Z