03 May 2013

Calcutta High Court Recruitment 2013 Assistants, Data Entry Operator and Telephone Operator

Calcutta High CourtApplications are invited from the Indian citizens for preparation of separate panels for filling up the following vacancies in the post of Lower Division Assistant, Data Entry Operator and Telephone Operator, in the High Court at Calcutta.


Name of the Post

No of Posts


Lower Division Assistant



Data Entry Operator



Telephone Operator


Age Limit: Not less than 18 years and not more than 40 years on the date of application (Upper age limit is relaxable by 5 years in case of S.C. and S.T. candidates of West Bengal and in case of physically handicapped candidate). Age as recorded in the Madhyamik or equivalent certificate will be accepted only.

Pay Scale: Rs. 5400/- - 25200/- with higher initial start at Rs. 6570/-along with other allowances as admissible under the Rules of this High Court.

How To Apply: Eligible candidates may submit neatly hand-written or typed applications on plain paper of A-4 size (210 x 297 mm) with attested copies of certificates and testimonials etc. addressed to the Registrar General, High Court, Calcutta – 700 001. The application must be submitted in closed envelope, super scribing thereon the particular post applied for along with the category, to the undersigned within 4:45 P.M. on or before 31st May, 2013.

Bank Form: http://calcuttahighcourt.nic.in/Recruitments/pdf_files/Employment_Notice_30042013_bankform.pdf

Details: http://calcuttahighcourt.nic.in/Recruitments/pdf_files/Employment_Notice_30042013_1.pdf

by | Last Updated on 2013-05-03T09:49:58Z