21 April 2013

BSNL Kerala Recruitment 2013 Telecom Technical Assistants

bsnl keralaBharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL), A Government of India Enterprise - A Government of India Enterprise invites application from Indian citizens for recruitment to the cadre of Telecom Technical Assistants in the non-executive category under BSNL Kerala Circle.

Post Name

No of Posts

Age Limit

Pay Scale

Telecom Technical Assistant (TTAs)


18 to 27 Years. Relaxation as per rules.

Rs. 13600 - 25420 in various Districts/ Secondary Switching Areas (SSAs) in Kerala

Educational Qualifications: 3 years Engineering Diploma from a recognized institution/ University in any of the following disciplines 1) Telecommunications Engineering 2) Electronics Engineering 3) Electrical Engineering 4) Radio Engineering 5) Computer Engineering 6) Instrument Technology 7)Information Technology b) MSC (Electronics) from a recognized institution/ University.

Application Fee: Rs.500/- in the form of Postal Order/ DD only favoring Accounts Officer (Cash), O/O Principal General Manager / O/o General Manager, BSNL, of the respective SSA where the candidate desires to apply, payable at its Head Quarters.  No fee for SC/ST/PH candidates.

Schedule of Examination: 30-06-2013

Applications should be sent to the concerned PGM/ GMs ,so as to reach them on or before 13-05-2013.

Details: http://www.kerala.bsnl.co.in/Rectt/rectt1c_17413.pdf

by | Last Updated on 2013-04-21T14:09:07Z