16 March 2013

Punjab and Sind Bank Jobs 2013 Managers

Punjab and Sind BankPunjab and Sind Bank (A Government of India Undertaking), a leading Public Sector Bank, with Head Office in New Delhi, having pan India presence, invites applications for the aforesaid posts.  Punjab and Sind Bank recruitment of General Manager (IT), Chief Manager (IT) and Chief Managers (Risk Management) in the bank.


Name of the Post

No of Post

Age Limit



General Manager -IT


50 to 55 Years

The candidate must hold a degree in Computer science or Information Technology/ in Computer Applications/ B.Tech in Computer Science or IT.


Chief Managers (IT)


35 to 40 Years

The candidate must hold a degree in Computer Science, Information Technology or/ in Computer Applications/ B.Tech in Computer or IT.


Chief Managers – Risk Management


35 to 40 Years

The candidate must be a Post Graduate with CAIIB or MBA or CFA (with specialization in Risk Management) or CA. Familiarity with quantitative techniques of statistics will be an added advantage.

Scale of Pay: General Manager (IT) – In Top Executive Grade Scale –VII (GM) in the Scale of Pay of Rs. 46800 -1300/4 -52000 with the total emoluments at the start of the Scale shall be Rs.84900/- approx. (without HRA) + usual perks & benefits. Chief Manager – In Senior Management Grade Scale –IV (CM) in the Scale of Pay of Rs. 30600 -900/4- 34200 -1000/2 -36200 with the total emoluments at the start of the Scale shall be Rs.55696/- approx. (without HRA) + usual perks & benefits.

How To Apply: Eligible candidates have to submit their applications as per the prescribed format through speed post only. Last date of application is 30th March 2013. Address the application, super scribing “Application for the post of General Manager (IT)/ Chief Manager (IT)/ Chief Manager (RM), as the case may be, to General  Manager, General Manager –HRD, Punjab & Sind Bank, Bank House, 6th Floor 21- Rajendra Place, New Delhi –110008.”

Application Format: https://www.psbindia.com/2_Application.pdf

Detailed Advertisement: https://www.psbindia.com/1_advertisement.pdf

by | Last Updated on 2018-05-08T10:11:48Z