27 January 2013

TERI Jobs 2013 Project Associate / Research Assistant

TERIThe Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) invites application for the post of Project Associate / Research Assistant in Earth Science and Climate Change. The candidate is expected to contribute to proposal development, project management and bring in new research ideas, methodologies in the working environment. The candidate will be working in the ongoing projects that requires to run global and regional climate models and their analysis.

Name of the Post



Project Associate / Research Assistant

Masters in atmospheric sciences, meteorology, oceanography, remote sensing or related subjects.

Technical Skills required: Knowledge of UNIX/Linux operating systems; ¿Knowledge of script languages (i.e. UNIX shell, Perl, Python);
Knowledge of programming languages (i.e. Fortran, C); and parallel programming (i.e. OpenMP, MPI).

How To Apply: Eligible candidates are required to apply online on or before 17 February 2013.

Details: http://newcareer.teriin.org/jobDetails.aspx?rrf_no=UjIwMTMwMDAwMg%3d%3d-bqQyFdy5pTg%3d&dt=1/17/2013%2012:00:00%20AM

by | Last Updated on 2013-01-27T10:19:21Z