14 January 2013

IOCL Recruitment 2013 for Junior Engineering Assistants (70 Vacancies)

ioclIndian Oil Corporation Limited (IOCL) is the largest commercial undertaking in India and the leading Indian Company in Fortune's prestigious 'Global 100' listing. Indian Oil's Mathura Refinery a modern Public Sector Refinery with state of art  technology,  requires young and energetic Junior Engineering  Assistants  in various disciplines.


Name of the Post

No of Vacancies


Junior Engineering Assistant-IV (Production)



Junior Engineering Assistant-IV (Electrical Maintenance)



Junior Engineering Assistant-IV- Mechanical Maintenance-(Rotary Equipment/General Fitter/ Machinist)



Junior Engineering Assistant-IV (Power & Utility)



Junior Engineering Assistant-IV (Fire & Safety)



Junior Engineering Assistant-IV (Instrumentation)


Pay Scale & Emoluments : Above posts are in Salary Grade IV in pay scale of Rs. 11900- 32000/-

Age Limit: Minimum 18 years and maximum 26 years as on 01.01.2013

Application Fee: The applications should be accompanied with a crossed Demand Draft of Rs. 100/- (Rs. One hundred only) as application fee (non refundable) in favour of Indian Oil Corporation Ltd, Mathura Refinery payable at Mathura.

How To Apply: Candidates should send  their  typed application on a plain paper(A-4 size) duly signed with date  in  the prescribed proforma. Candidates employed  in Govt. Deptt./Public sector organisations should apply  through proper channel. Advt. No. and post applied  for should be super scribed on  the envelope. Candidates should attach self attested photocopies of  testimonials (proof of age, education qualification, experience and caste certificate). One candidate can apply for one post only. Applications complete in all respects should be sent by ORDINARY POST ONLY  to Post Bag No. 007 Sriniwaspuri Post Office Sriniwaspuri, New Delhi-110065 so as  to  reach  latest by 04/02/2013.

Detailed Advertisement: http://www.iocl.com/download/Indian_oil_rec_28dec12.pdf

by | Last Updated on 2013-01-14T13:51:49Z