20 January 2013

CSIR IMMT Recruitment 2013 for Scientists

immtCSIR-Institute of Minerals & Materials Technology, Bhubaneswar is a premier National Institute engaged in cutting edge R&D in the area of Minerals and Materials. Applications are invited from Indian nationals for the following ranges of Scientist (Fellow) under CSIR Quick Hire Scheme for deployment in projects entitled (1) “Minerals to Metals for Sustainable Planet (MINMET) [ESC0205]” & (2) “Processing of natural gemstones for aesthetic improvement and value addition (PNG) [ESC0206]”.

Post Name

No of Posts

Maximum tenure Upto



03 Years

Areas: (1) Chemical Engg. (2) Ceramic Engg. (3) Mineral Engg. (4) Mechanical Engg. (5) Metallurgical Engg. and (6) Materials Science/Materials Physics/Solid State Physics/Laser Physics/Plasma Physics/Physical Chemistry/Geology.

How To Apply: Interested eligible candidates may apply in the prescribed format (Application and Synopsis) downloaded from IMMT website or neatly typed on A4 size paper on one side as per the format
available on the website www.immt.res.in along with attested copies of all certificates/testimonials by post so as to reach “The Section Officer-E-I, CSIR-Institute of Minerals and Materials Technology, Bhubaneswar-751013” on or before 07/02/2013.

Further Detailed Information: http://www.immt.res.in/JOB/1Advt%20No.01-2013-QHF-to-CNeM-10113.pdf

by | Last Updated on 2013-01-20T14:21:03Z