19 January 2013

Allahabad High Court Recruitment 2013 for Translators (11 Vacancies)

allahabad bankApplications are invited for 11 posts of Translator (for translating the documents from Hindi to English) on the Establishment of High Court of Judicature at Allahabad. Advertisement No:01 / TRANSLATOR/2013.

Name of the Post

No of Posts

Age Limit

Pay Scale



21 to 35 years on the 1st day of July of 2013

PB 2 Rs. 9300 – 34800 Grade Pay Rs. 4200/-

Essential Qualifications: Must possess a Bachelor’s Degree of a recognized University or the qualification recognized as equivalent thereto preferably with English and Hindi, both at Intermediate and Graduate Levels. Preference will be given to a candidate who holds a degree in Law from a University established/recognized by Law in India. Computer knowledge, i.e., Data Entry, Word Processing and Computer Operation.

Application Fee: Rs. 500/- for General Category & O.B.C. and Rs. 250/- for S.C./ S.T. candidates.

How To Apply: Application on plain and thick foolscap paper duly typed in prescribed format along with attested copies of High School Certificate in support of age and other Certificates and Testimonials in respect of Educational Qualification, Caste certificate, if applicable, (not more than six months old), Computer Knowledge along with a self addressed envelope bearing postage stamps worth Rs. 22/- and Examination Fees in the shape of Bank Draft/Banker’s Cheque issued by Nationalized Bank payable in favour of “Registrar General, High Court, Allahabad”, should be sent to The Registrar General, High Court, Allahabad by Speed Post or Registered post with A.D. Only. The last date for receipt of application is 20/02/2013.

Details with Application Format: http://allahabadhighcourt.in/event/translator_15-01-2013.pdf

by | Last Updated on 2013-01-19T13:38:10Z