19 December 2012

NTCL Recruitment December 2012 Managers

NTCNational Textile Corporation Limited (NTCL) a major Schedule “A” Central Public Sector Undertaking under Ministry of Textiles (A Government of India Undertaking) invites applications from qualified and experienced professionals to man some key roles in the senior, middle and junior management levels in the following positions on regular basis in various unit mills and offices under Southern Region located in Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh and Pondicherry.


Post Name

No of Posts

Age Limit

Scale of Pay

Qualification & Experience


Deputy General Manager (Finance)


45 Years

Rs 32900-58000 (E-5)

CA/ICWA/ MBA(Finance) or equivalent + 14 years experience.


Manager (Finance)


40 Years

Rs 24900-50500 (E-3)

CA/ICWA/ MBA(Finance) or equivalent + 6 years experience.


Deputy Manager (Finance)


40 Years

Rs 16400-40500 (E1)

CA/ICWA/ MBA(Finance) or equivalent + 6 years experience.


Assistant Manager (Trainee-Costing)


28 Years

Rs 12600-32500 (E0)

CA/ICWA/ MBA(Finance) or equivalent.


Assistant Manager (Trainee-HR)


28 Years

Rs 12600-32500 (E0)

MBA/MSW or equivalent With specialization in HR/Industrial Relation/ Labour Welfare.


Supervisor (Technical)


28 Years

Rs 11600-26000 (S1)

B.Tech/ Diploma in Textile Engineering/ Technology.

Application Fee: A non-refundable „Account Payee‟ demand draft for `300/- drawn in favour of “NATIONAL TEXTILE CORPORATION LIMITED” on any Nationalized Bank payable at Coimbatore.

How To Apply: Completed application with required documents should be sent in a sealed cover duly superscribing the “NAME OF THE POST / CATEGORY” as the case may be so as to reach the undersigned by 12.01.2013 by ordinary post addressed to Senior Manager (HR)-HOD, National Textile Corporation Limited, Southern Regional Office, 35-B Somasundaram Mills Road, Coimbatore-641009 Tamil Nadu. The last date for receipt of application is 12.01.2013.

Detailed Info: http://ntcltd.co.in/images/stories/docs/Adv_No_NTCL_SRO_2012_02.pdf

by | Last Updated on 2012-12-19T14:03:00Z