Haryana Public Service Commission (HPSC) Panchkula invites applications for recruitment to the following posts. Advertisement No. 2.
S.No | Name of the Post | No of Posts |
1. | Assistant Director, Archives (Group-B) (unreserved) in | 01 |
2. | Deputy Director/Principal Govt. Colleges, HES-I (Group-A) in | 07 |
3. | Deputy District Attorney (Group-B) in Prosecution Department, Haryana | 08 |
4. | Assistant Engineer (Civil) (Class-II) in Irrigation | 20 |
5. | Assistant Engineer (Civil / Mechanical / Electrical) | 110 |
6. | Assistant Director (Technical)/ Principal ITI (Group “A” Junior) in Industrial Training Department, Haryana | 17 |
7. | District information and Public Relations Officer (Group-B) | 01 |
8. | Curator (Group-B) (unreserved) in Archaeology & museums | 01 |
9. | Sub Divisional Engineer (Horticulture) (Group-B) in | 01 |
How To Apply: For application forms and detailed information write to the Secretary, Haryana Public Service Commission, Bays No. 1-10, Block-B, Sector-4, Panchkula by remitting Rs. 500/- for General Category including Dependent son of ESM of Haryana candidates and Rs. 125/- for candidates belonging to the Scheduled Castes/Backward Classes and Ex-Servicemen of Haryana and women candidates of all categories. Further persons with disabilities shall be exempted from payment of application fee and examination fee, prescribed in respect of competitive examinations held by the Haryana Public Service Commission for
candidates to various posts. This exemption shall be available only to such persons who would otherwise be eligible for appointment to the post on the basis of standards of medical fitness prescribed for that post (including any concession specifically extended to the disabled persons) and who enclose with the application form, necessary certificate from a competent authority in support of their claim of disability, through Indian Postal Orders/Bank Drafts (from any branch of Scheduled Bank of India) payable to the Secretary, Haryana Public Service Commission at Panchkula with self addressed (with Pin Code) envelope of 24x11 cm. size duly stamped with Rs. 50/- for registered post up to 12.11.2012 only otherwise thereafter application form will not be sent or on cash payment at the counter from 10.00 A.M. to 1.00 P.M and 2.00 P.M. to 4.00 P.M. on all working days till closing date.
Closing Date: 19.11.2012 (26.11.2012 for applicants from Forward Remote Areas i.e. States/Union Territories of North–East Region, Lakshadweep, Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Sikkim, Ladakh Region of Jammu & Kashmir and Pangi Sub-Division of Himachal Pradesh).
Detailed Advertisement: http://hpsc.gov.in/Advertisement/Advertisement%20No.%202%20of%202012.pdf
by Admin | Last Updated on 2012-10-22T13:19:36Z