26 October 2012

ESI Hospital Basaidarapur Recruitment 2012 (37 Vacancies)

ESI HospitalESI Hospital Basaidarapur (New Delhi) invites application for the post of Junior Resident for a period of six months on tenure basis entendable for another six months. Walk-in-Interview for ESI Model Hospital Basaidarapur and Jhilmil  is to be held on 06.11.2012  in Committee Room of Medical Supdt. at E.S.I. Hopsital Basaidarapur, New Delhi-110015.

Name of the Post

No of Vacancies

Age Limit


Junior Resident

37 (OR – 17, OBC – 09, SC – 07, ST – 07)

as per rule of OBC/SC/ ST/PWD Candidates

Rs.15,600/-+Grade Pay Rs.5,400/- plus other allowances as admissible under the rules.

Educational Qualification: MBBS from recognized university should be registered with the Medical Council of India/ Delhi. Only those candidates not exceeding 30 years of age as on 30.09.2012 and intership completion on before 30.09.2012 may apply. The candidate who have completed internship before 1.10.2010 need not appear. Those who have already done six months Junior Residency need not appear.

Walk In Interview Venue: Committee Room of Medical Supdt. at E.S.I. Hopsital Basaidarapur, New Delhi-110015

Walk In Interview Date: 06.11.2012

Required Documents (On the date of Interview): 1. Matriculation certificate for Age proof., 2. MBBS certificate, 3. Internship completion, Attempt Certificates, 4. Registration of DMC/MCI, 5. Demand draft of Rs.100/-(Rs.25/- in case SC/ST/ PWD candidates are exempted from fee) drawn in favour of “ESI Fund Account No.1” 6. Two Photograph(pp size) No TA/DA will be paid to the candidates for appearing interview.

Details: http://www.esic.nic.in/Recruitment/recJRbasai221012.pdf

by | Last Updated on 2012-10-26T07:32:36Z