30 August 2012

Kashmir University Jobs 2012 Project Fellow

kashmir UnivApplications on plain paper are invited from the eligible candidates for the following positions available in research project entitled  “Effect of polyamines and ionic on folding intermediates and solvent induced aggregation in hen egg white lysozyme” sanctioned by the `UGC New Delhi, in favour of  Dr  .Khalid Majid Fazili,  Associate  Professor, Principal Investigator, Deptt. of  Bio-technology, University of Kashmir, Srinagar.

Post Name

No of Post


Project Fellow


M.Sc. Biotechnology / Biochemistry/ Clinical Biochemistry, with not less than 55% marks ,NET qualified candidates ,and candidates with  1-2 years of research experience will be given preference.

How To Apply: The applications along with documents indicating qualification, age, experience (if any) and contact details must reach in the Office of Dean Faculty of Biological Sciences by or before 5th September, 2012. The interview of the eligible candidates will be held in the Dean Faculty of Biological Sciences on 11 -09-2012 at 11:30 am.

Detailed Info: http://www.kashmiruniversity.net/jobs/1085.pdf

by | Last Updated on 2012-08-30T11:38:36Z