27 June 2012

Jamia Millia Islamia Vacancy 2012 Guest Teachers (25 Posts)

JMIJamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi requirement of Guest Teachers in various department /centres. Application on prescribed application forms are invited for engagement of guest teachers, JMI @ Rs.  1000/- per period subject to maximum of Rs. 25,000/- per month. Local Advertisement No. 04/2012-13.

Name of the Post

No of Vacancies

Pay Scale

Guest Teachers in various department / centres


Rs.  1000/- per period subject to maximum of Rs. 25,000/- per month

How To Apply: Application in the prescribed format. Complete in all respect on or before 10.07.2012 to the concerned Department/Centre during working days between 10:00 A.M. to 01:00 P.M. (Friday upto 12:00 Noon).

Detailed Info and Application Form: http://www.jmi.ac.in/upload/advertisement/jobs_advt4_2012june25.pdf

by | Last Updated on 2012-06-27T12:57:50Z