Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) under Department of Space, Government of India. The Civil Engineering Programme Office (CEPO) at ISRO Headquarters Bangalore and Construction and Maintenance Division (CMDs) located at Various ISRO Centres/Units are responsible for the realization of all ground based structure Buildings for Indian Space Programme. ISRO needs young and dynamic Technicians in the following discipline to work in CEPO and CMDs. ISRO offers the position of Technical Assistant (Electrical).
Name of the Post | Age Limit | Pay Scale |
Technical Assistant (Electrical) | 35 Years (40 years in case of SC/ST candidates and 38 years for OBC candidates) | Rs.9300-34800 +Grade Pay Rs.4600/- |
Eligibility: Diploma in Electrical Engineering in First Class. Or its certified equivalent.
Application Fee: Rs.100/- for each application. Demand Draft details need to be filled-in at the time of on-line registration. The candidate before filing his application has to take a DD for Rs.100/- from any of the Nationalized Bank in favour of the Senior Accounts Officer, ISRO HQ., Bangalore payable at Bangalore.
How To Apply: The Applicant should enter the DD Number, date and name of the Bank in the space provided for the same in the web application. After filing the application, on-line, the applicant has to send the DD with his Full Name (as entered in web), Post Number and Registration No. written on the reverse of the DD to the Senior Administrative Officer(GA), ISRO Headquarters, Antariksh Bhavan, New BEL Road, Bangalore 560094 by ordinary post super-scribing on the envelope 'CEPO RECRUITMENT". The last date for receipt of application is 30th June 2012.
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by Admin | Last Updated on 2012-06-12T15:06:43Z