23 May 2012

University of Madras Jobs May 2012 Registrar, Professor and Dean

UOMUniversity of Madras Chepauk, Chennai invites application for the post of Registrar, Professor-cum-Director – Institute of Distance Education, Director, Academic Staff College, Dean – College Development Council and NSS Programme Co-ordinator. Applications  [8 copies]   are  invited for the following posts, so as to be received by the Vice-Chancellor superscribing on the envelope “Application for the post of …………………”


Name of the Post

Age Limit

Scale of Pay



58 years

Pay will be fixed with reference to the last pay drawn in the primary cadre of the applicant.


Professor-Cum-Director, Institute of Distance Education

55 years

Rs.37400-67000 plus  Academic Grade Pay of Rs.10000/-


The Director, Academic Staff College

55 years

Rs.37400-67000 plus Academic  Grade Pay of Rs.10000/-


Dean – College Development Council

60 years

Rs.37400-67000 plus Academic  Grade Pay of Rs.10000/-


NSS Programme Coordinator

50 years

Rs.15600 - 39100  + Rs.8000/-AGP

Cost of Application: Rs.500/-[for SC/ST Rs.250/-]

How To Apply: Candidates may download the application form from the University Website and apply to the Registrar of the University (by Designation only) with a Demand Draft for Rs.500/-  towards the cost of
application.  The Demand Draft shall be drawn in favour of the ‘The Registrar, University of Madras’, payable at Chennai.   The fee prescribed for SC/ST candidates is Rs.250/-, on production of  photocopy of the Community Certificate. The last date for receipt of application is 18/06/2012.

Details: http://www.unom.ac.in/unomdynam_old/uploads/appointments/AdvertMay2012_20120504200328_9657.pdf

by | Last Updated on 2012-05-23T11:36:00Z