23 May 2012

OHPC Vacancies 2012 Clerk and Assistants

OHPCOdisha Hydro Power Corporation Limited (OHPC) (a Government of Odisha Undertaking) intends to recruit young, bright and energetic individuals as Steno-Cum-Computer Assistant Grade-III, Jr. Clerk & L. D. Assistant. The Corporation offers challenging work environment & invites applications from young and dynamic persons for the following posts at various Units and Corporate Office.


Name of the Post

No of Posts

Pay Scale


Steno-Cum-Computer Assistant Grade-III


Rs.5200-20200 + GP Rs.2400/-


Junior Clerk


Rs.5200-20200 + GP Rs.1900/-


Lower Division Assistant


Rs.5200-20200 + GP Rs.1900/-

Age Limit: A candidate must be between the age of 18 years to 32 years as on 01.05.2012. The Upper age limit relaxable by 5 years in case of SC, ST, SEBC, and Woman candidates, 10 years in case of Physically disabled Candidates.

How To Apply: The filled in application form (Prescribed format) along with the enclosures as applicable shall be sent by ordinary post in an envelope super scribing “Application for the post of Steno-Cum-Computer Asst. Gr-III / Jr. Clerk/ L.D.Assistant”(as applicable) to Post Box No. 2752, GPO, Kolkata-1 so as to reach on or before 18.06.2012.

Application Format: http://ohpcltd.com/APPLICATION_FORM_Rectt.02-2012.doc

Detailed Advertisement: http://ohpcltd.com/Advertisement_No.OHPC-Rectt.02-2012.doc

by | Last Updated on 2023-09-15T15:58:41Z