04 May 2012

NARI Pune Jobs 2012 Research Assistant and Lower Division Clerk

NARINational AIDS Research Institute (NARI), Pune invites application for the post of Research Assistant and Lower Division Clerk under Neuro AIDS Study Project. These posts are purely temporary and are to be filled on year-to-year basis for the duration of the project.


Name of the Post

No of Posts

Age Limit

Consolidated Salary


Research Assistant


30 Years

Rs. 19,481/- PM


Lower Division Clerk (LDC)


25 Years

Rs. 10,503/- PM

The Prescribed format of application must reach to “NATIONAL AIDS RESEARCH INSTITUTE, Plot No. 73, 'G' BLOCK, MIDC, BHOSARI, PUNE – 411026” on or before 18/05/2012 along with a Crossed Demand Draft for Rs. 100/- drawn in favor of Director, National AIDS Research Institute, 73, ‘G’ Block MIDC, Bhosari, P.B. 1895, Pune - 411026 (SC/ST candidates are exempted from payment of fees).

Detailed Advertisement: http://www.nari-icmr.res.in/advertise/neuro%20AIDS%20advertisement.pdf

by | Last Updated on 2012-05-04T13:45:03Z