03 May 2012

Dibrugarh University Jobs 2012 Technical Assistant

Dibrugarh UniveristyDibrugarh University invites application for a temporary post of Technical Assistant to work for setting up of laboratory facility for antimalarial screening and to carry out antimalarial screening of natural/synthetic compounds at the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Dibrugarh University under MODROBS scheme of AICTE.

Name of the Post



Technical Assistant

Rs.12,000/- (Fixed)

Master of Pharmacy (M. Pharm.). Experience of working on antimalarial compounds.

How To Apply: Application with complete bio-data must reach the Head, Dept. of Pharm. Sciences, Dibrugarh University within 10.05.2012.

Detailed Information: http://www.dibru.ac.in/newsdetails.php?cat=Recruitment&q=a&t_id=200

by | Last Updated on 2012-05-03T11:00:38Z