National Power Training Institute (NPTI), Faridabad, an Autonomous Body under the Ministry of Power set up by the Government of India for Human Resources Development in the Power Sector invites applications for the post of Assistant Director (Tech./Faculty).
Name of the Post | No of Posts | Age limit | Pay Scale |
Assistant Director (Tech./Faculty) | 35 (SC – 05, ST –04, OBC – 08, UR – 18) | 40 years | Rs.15600-39100 + 5400, DA. |
Qualification and Experience:
1. Degree in Electrical or Mechanical Engineering from a recognized University or Institution.
2. Two years experience at Power Sector/Teaching. Experience will be calculated upto the last date of receipt of applications.
How To Apply: Typed applications on plain paper in the format along with a non-refundable fee of Rs.500/- (Rs.100/- for SC/ST) by Demand Draft drawn in favour of National Power Training Institute payable at
Faridabad together with attested copies of Certificates/Testimonials in support of age, qualifications/experience and Caste should reach the Director (Fin. & Admn.), National Power Training Institute, NPTI Complex, Sector-33, Faridabad-121003 (Haryana) latest by 20.6.2012 in a cover subscribing “Application for the post of Assistant Director (T/F).”. Candidates working in Central / State Government / Electricity Boards / Universities / Public Sector Enterprises / Statutory / Semi-Govt. or Autonomous Organisations etc. should forward their applications through proper channel in the prescribed format alongwith vigilance clearance certificate. Selected candidates can be posted anywhere in India. Number of posts are subject to change.
Detailed information:
by Admin | Last Updated on 2012-04-28T09:47:39Z