13 March 2012

HMT Machine Tools Limited Bangalore Jobs 2012 Managers (75 Vacancies)

HMTHMT Machine Tools Limited, a wholly-owned Subsidiary of HMT Limited, a Government of India PSU, is a leading Machine Tool Manufacturing Industry, having Manufacturing Units and Marketing Divisions spread all over India. The Company manufactures various types of Metal Cutting and Metal Forming Machine Tools in addition to CNC Control Systems, Precision Ball Screws and Offset Printing Machines. The Company offers challenging career opportunities to Engineering(in various disciplines), Finance & HR Professionals in its Manufacturing Units at Bangalore (Karnataka), Pinjore (Haryana), Kalamassery (Kerala), Hyderabad (A.P), Ajmer (Rajasthan) & Marketing Offices located all over India. The Company is looking for qualified and experienced professionals in relevant fields.


Name of the Post

Age Limit

Pay Scale


Senior Engineer / Manager

34 Years

Rs. 5400-225-6300-250-9050/-


Engineer / Deputy Manager

32 Years

Rs. 4800-200-5800-225-8275/-


Deputy Engineer

30 Years

Rs. 4000-175-7150/-


Assistant General Manager (Finance)

36 Years

Rs. 6500-250-7500-275-9425/-


Manager (Accounts)

34 Years

Rs. 5400-225-6300-250-9050/-


Deputy Manager (Accounts)

32 Years

Rs. 4800-200-5800-225-8275/-


Assistant General Manager (HRM)

36 Years

Rs. 6500-250-7500-275-9425/-


Manager (HRM)

34 Years

Rs. 5400-225-6300-250-9050/-


Deputy Manager (HRM)

32 Years

Rs. 4800-200-5800-225-8275/-

How To Apply: Application in the prescribed format duly filled, enclosing therewith the DD and a set of attested photo copies of the relevant certificates in proof of qualification, age, experience, category etc., as listed below and affixing passport size photograph at the space provided should be sent in sealed cover super scribed, APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF “.................................” (as the case may be), so as to reach “The General Manager (HR), HMT Machine Tools Limited, HMT Bhavan,No. 59, Bellary Road,BANGALORE – 560 032.”  The last date for receipt of application is 07.03.2012.

Details: http://www.hmtindia.com/html/careers.htm#hmtmtltd

by | Last Updated on 2012-03-13T07:16:22Z