20 February 2012

NIELIT Quality Analysts Jobs 2012 (101 Vacancies)

NIELITNational Institute of Electronics and Information Technology (NIELIT) (formerly DOEACC Society) invites application from eligible candidates for Walk-in-Interview for Preparing a Panel of Quality Analysts for National Demographic Data Digitization for NPR Project on contract Basis.

Name of the Post

No of Posts

Scale of Pay

Quality Analysts

101 (36 for Haryana, 50 for Punjab, 4 for Himachal, 11 for Uttarakhand)

Rs.7500/- PM

Application Fee:  Rs. 350/- each for the above posts (exempted for Internal and SC/ST candidates) drawn in favour of “NIELIT, Chandigarh Centre, Branch Office, ........ ” payable at .......

How To Apply: Walk-In-Interviews will be conducted on 21/02/2012 and 22/02/2012 at  10:00 a.m. at Shimla, Chandigarh, Jalandhar and Dehradun. to 4:00 p.m.

Details: http://doeaccchd.edu.in/

by | Last Updated on 2012-02-20T08:54:07Z