13 February 2012

Central University of Punjab Assistant Professor Jobs 2012

cupCentral University of Punjab (CUP) invites applications for the post of  Assistant Professor in the following centres on contractual basis  for one year or till the positions are filled up on regular basis whichever is earlier. Advertisement No.T-02 (2012).

Name of the Post

Emoluments (Consolidated)

Minimum Qualification

Assistant Professors

M.Phil. + NET + Ph.D. : Rs. 42,000/- p.m. 
NET + Ph.D. : Rs. 39,000/- p.m. 
M.Tech.  : Rs. 36,000/- p.m.

NET/SLET +  Ph.D. is the minimum eligibility
condition for recruitment and appointment.

Free Accommodation: Depending upon the availability, partly furnished transit accommodation at city campus may be given to faculty free of cost for three months on sharing basis.

Application Fee: Rs. 100/- in the form of Demand draft in the favour of Central University of Punjab payable at Bathinda should accompany the application.

How To Apply: Application in the prescribed format available at www.centralunipunjab.com and submit it complete in all respects on or before 22nd February 2012.

Detailed Info: http://www.centralunipunjab.com/teaching_positions.asp

by | Last Updated on 2012-02-13T14:46:24Z