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15 January 2012

GBPUAT Uttarakhand Recruitment 2012 Faculty Positions (119 posts)

GBpuatGB Pant University of Agriculture and Technology (GBPUAT), Pantnagar, Uttarakhand invites application for the following faculty positions. Applications are invited from the deserving candidates all over the country for the following posts on the prescribed proforma (to be typed on A-4 size paper). Employment Notice No.A-18/2011.

Name of the Post

No of Vacancies

Pay Scale

Assistant  Professor / JRO / Assistant Librarian/ Assistant Director / Physical Education


PB-3, Rs. 15600-39100 + AGP  Rs. 6000

How To Apply: Application in the prescribed format  (to be typed on A-4 size paper). For each post separate application along-with all documents and the prescribed application fee of Rs. 1000/-(Rs.500/-
for SC/ST candidates) through University Cash receipt or crossed Bank Draft drawn in favour of COMPTROLLER, G.B. PANT UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE AND TECHNOLOGY, payable at Pantnagar State Bank of India, Branch Code No.1133/ Punjab National Bank, Branch Code No. 4446/U.Co. Bank, Branch Code No. 0678 should reach  the Office of the Chief Personnel Officer (Recruitment Section) of this University latest by  15.2.2012.

Detailed Document:

by | Last Updated on 2012-01-15T09:54:11Z