The Andhra Pradesh Mahesh Co-operative Urban Bank Limited (Mahesh Bank), a leading Multi State Scheduled Co-op. Urban Bank in South India, having a business turnover of over Rs. 1700 crores, with a network of 36 Branches invites applications for the post of General Manager, Dy.General Managers/Asst.General Managers and Senior Managers/Head Of Departments.
S.No | Name of the Post | Age Limit | Qualification |
1. | General Manager | 55 years | Candidates with CAIIB, Post Graduation, MBA, CFA, ICWA/C.S. will be preferred. |
2. | Deputy General Managers / Assistant General Managers | 55 years | Candidates with CAIIB, Post Graduation, MBA, C.A., Cost and Financial Analysis will have an edge over others. |
3. | Senior Managers/ Head Of Departments | 55 years | Candidates with CAIIB, Post Graduation/CA/MBA will be preferred. |
4. | Branch Manager and Sub Manager / Accountant Mumbai Branch | Not Mentioned | Candidate should be graduate with excellent track record of internal management of the Branch successfully. At-least 5 years bank experience. |
How To Apply: Interested candidates only need to apply giving details of Pay/CTC presently drawn and expected, superscribing the post applied, so as to reach “The A.P.Mahesh Co.op.Urban Bank Ltd., (Multi State Scheduled Bank) 5-3-989, Sherza Estate, N.S.Road, Osmangunj, Hyderabad – 500 095 (A.P.)”on or before 23.01.2012.
by Admin | Last Updated on 2012-01-07T15:24:25Z